Title: School Daze Rating: PG-13 (For language of course.) Pairing: Multiple to the max. Summary: Could he really reveal to the boy how much he had been deceiving him? How long this deception had been going on?
kinda feel bad for Dongwook. though Yunjae making out is hot^^ they're just under the influence of alcohol. at least Jae is. ahh they got Min's phone! =O and now the drama unfolds? xD thanks for the update!
arrrhhhggg how coukd they invade Changmin's privacy..they wanted to know if he and May Doni contacted each other right.Argghh i despise them. Poor Dong Wook but yay there is a small yunjae action. This story is getting intense, love it.
Finally, some action from the Yunjae pair. Have been waiting for Jae to do something. So can we push them to a room so that they can get on with it further. Very tempting....
Although I pity Se7en but someone need to have his heart broken and I prefer him than Yunho...(sorry guys but I'm a Jaeho supporter).
About Min's handphone, so the YG guys got it...oh no...trouble for Min and that girl....more for that girl since she is a YG student.
Mwahahhah! for some reason, i don't feel bad for dongwook at all. at least their complicated relationship/whatever is clear now for dongwook. after all, it can't go on like that forever. it has to end at some point. YunJae, YunJae, Yunjae! JaeHo Hwaiting!!♥
Comments 28
though Yunjae making out is hot^^ they're just under the influence of alcohol. at least Jae is.
ahh they got Min's phone! =O
and now the drama unfolds? xD
thanks for the update!
Minnie's phone is missing.. Uh oh..
And like you said.. the drama unfolds..
Hope you enjoyed.
add more drama and some hot smexy kissing...
and you'll see that the yunjae train has left the station...kinda >.<
Drama's what makes the world go round.
Poor Dong Wook but yay there is a small yunjae action.
This story is getting intense, love it.
I'm sure everyone is celebrating the YunJae action.
Haha.. FINALLY after like.. 24 chapters. Haha..
Although I pity Se7en but someone need to have his heart broken and I prefer him than Yunho...(sorry guys but I'm a Jaeho supporter).
About Min's handphone, so the YG guys got it...oh no...trouble for Min and that girl....more for that girl since she is a YG student.
Anyway, pls continue to write more..thanks!
And yeah.. Changmin and May Doni.. *sigh* trouble..
Will ANYONE find happiness anywhere in this fic..?
I think I'm just writing a miserable story now.. Heh.. Why do I torture everyone so?
YunJae, YunJae, Yunjae! JaeHo Hwaiting!!♥
Though you have to admit, the anxiety was self inflicting torture was it not? Haha..
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