Title: Escalation II (Part 2)
Characters: Gin Ichimaru (
lcpdragonslayer), Sousuke Aizen (
Timeline: 24 December 1939
Rating: NC-17 (blood, violence)
Summary: Aizen and Gin give Antonio a first rate demonstration of how proper house-cleaning is supposed to be done. Aizen becomes Don and Gin gets a fire engine.
For a little while, it was just Gin and the Italians. )
Comments 4
This log is one of my absolute favorites. Everything, from the uncomfortably disturbing murdering of the children (I'm so squeamish when it comes to kids), to the bond between the two villains, to the way Gin is (I can't resist) like a kid on Christmas... it's all exceptional.
It makes me want to beg you to write the murder of Ulquiorra's family. If you ever get the urge to write more violence... PLEASE DO. It'd be awesome to have write a sixteen year old Ulquiorra going to the family business after school to find... *grin*
I'm glad you liked it. It's probably the most violent thing we wrote together but we had fun (lol I feel weird saying that).
Depicting Ulqui's family massacre would be awesome if ling is up for it. =D I'd definitely love to see how it goes.
I'm so glad you liked it! This log was so much fun to write and I don't feel weird saying that at all! (Okay, maybe a little. ^_^")
You don't have to beg, you know. We can get that for you wholesale. I thought a discount was called for cuz you're a friend, but then lcp pointed out that the first time's for free and she's right, of course. Considering how much we enjoyed this one here, I think it'd be more than fair to say that...
::takes deep breath:: We're going to pay YOU! XDDD
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