is it a sport?

Aug 25, 2014 02:46

title: is it a sport?
pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol
rating: m
length: 4.1k
warning ((highlight)): age gap
summary: byun baekhyun has everyone in the palm of his hand, and the new substitute is no exception

notes: a wip I started a long time ago and recently stumbled across it and decided to just finish it ((well, kind of finish it)).

this is also an apology fic for my bbtee because it's been like three months since her birthday and I haven't finished her birthday fic yet orz I'm so sorry tee !! I hope this is okay for now until I get on it ;u;

What the fuck is this bullshit?, Baekhyun thinks, glancing down at the sheet of paper the substitute teacher had placed on his desk. He had told the class it was a way for him to get to know them all, since he was taking over English for the next two weeks.

Introduce Yourself!, the title reads, the font all bright and bubbly, and Baekhyun grimaces. It's in Comic Sans, too. Just looking at it brings him back to his kindergarten days, with group reading and basic one plus one math. But he's a fucking senior, not a five year old in preschool, and he's grown out of nap time (Baekhyun usually ends up using his bed for other, mattress and spring-creaking, cough, purposes). His eyes continue scanning down the page, the look of disgust on his face growing at the questions.

What is your favourite subject?

Do you have a (nick)name you’d prefer me to call you in class?

Have you been involved in any school activities? If so, which one(s)?

What do you usually do on the weekends?

What subjects are you taking this academic year?

Baekhyun looks over to Sehun, who is diligently scribbling away, before scoffing and turning to the right only to see Yixing doing the same, head bent down as his pencil moves across the page.

Damn overachievers.

“Mr. Byun?” Baekhyun whips his head to the front to find Mr. Park looking at him as he leans back against his desk. He indicates to Baekhyun’s paper sternly, and Baekhyun rolls his eyes. He pretends to get working before twirling his pen in his hand and subtly glancing back up at the substitute under his bangs.

He isn’t bad looking to be honest, for someone so eager, his thick-framed glasses taking maybe one or two years off his actual age. His legs are really lean and long too, Baekhyun notices, tapping the end of the pen on his nose as he bites his bottom lip.

Man, he can imagine himself between those legs, most definitely.

He lets his gaze travel up the teacher’s body, appreciating his nicely toned arms and praising a few gods for dress shirts, because Baekhyun can see his very firm chest through the white, tight material.

It’s when Mr. Park looks up from the book in his hands and gives Baekhyun a frown because he hasn’t even got his name at the top of the sheet yet, that the latter finally starts to write.

List your three favourite hobbies.

List your three favourite sports.

Baekhyun doesn’t have any hobbies and doesn’t really play any sports, especially not for any of the school’s teams, but a light bulb goes off in his head and he sticks his hand up, slouching back in his chair and letting his legs stretch out under his desk.

“Uh, sir? Does fucking count as a sport or hobby?” Baekhyun nonchalantly asks, blinking with his hand still raised.

Mr. Park splutters, and everyone turns to look at him. Baekhyun can hear Kim Jongin mutter oh my fucking God from across the room, but he ignores him.

“Baekhyun! That is not appropriate," he replies with a strict tone, adjusting his tie.

“Right, sorry.” Baekhyun holds his hands up in apology. “I mean, sexual intercourse. Can I classify that as a hobby?”

Mr. Park colours and Baekhyun inwardly grins at the intakes of breath around the room, letting his tongue swipe across his lip.

“Because, I do it quite a lot and enjoy it, so that means it’s a hobby, right?” Baekhyun continues, “But it’s also exercise or something isn’t it? I think I read that somewhere… So, I’m not really sure. You definitely can lose some weight and/or calories with all the thrusting in and out.”

Mr. Park takes a deep breath as he walks around the teacher’s desk and sits himself down behind it. “Byun Baekhyun, I would appreciate it if you finished the sheet in silence.”

Baekhyun smirks and sits up, doing as he’s told because now he’s ruffled Mr. Park’s feathers and Yixing and Sehun are both silently giggling in their seats.

He speeds through the rest of the worksheet and glances back over his answers.

What is your favourite subject?
sex ed

Do you have a (nick)name you’d prefer me to call you in class?
baby (and I’ll call you daddy)

Have you been involved in any school activities? If so, which one(s)?
does fucking backstage during the junior play count?

What do you usually do in your spare time on the weekends?
hot guys

What subjects are you taking this academic year?
sex ed and biology are the only ones worth mentioning ;)

List your three favourite hobbies.
fucking, sex, coitus

List your three favourite sports.
see above

(fyi: you never answered my question so I put it down as both. I don’t like to do anything else. you’ll soon see)

He waits until Sehun and Yixing are both done to get up and hand it in, walking to the front of the class.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Baekhyun.” Mr. Park politely says, adjusting his glasses. Baekhyun feigns an innocent smile and returns back to his seat, cracking his knuckles as he places his hands behind his head.

It isn't soon after when Mr. Park is reading through them all that Baekhyun watches the substitute’s eyes widen, nearly falling out of his seat in the process.


Baekhyun's mood doesn't falter once throughout class, Mr. Park having resorted to ignoring Baekhyun, which wasn't something he minded at all; he just took the time to appreciate the sight of his teacher getting all flustered every time Baekhyun put his hand up to answer a question.

Not that Mr. Park ever picked him; he was too busy trying not to stumble over his words and very unsubtly adjust his pants with every knowing smirk and flirty gaze that Baekhyun sent his way. He figured it was the Baby Daddy kink that got him.


"Since when have you ever given more than a simple hum of I-Don’t-Give-A-Crap during attendance when it comes to class participation?" Yixing asks when the bell rings.

Baekhyun just winks in reply, and it's Sehun who gasps.

"You want to bone him!"

Yixing displays a mixture of shock and revulsion, as if Sehun just suggested Baekhyun wanted to do it with his grandmother.

"What? He's hot and I like how squirmy I can make him get," Baekhyun flicks his gaze over to Mr. Park, who's in the middle of a discussion with Kim Jongin (read: Grade A Nerd). "I bet I'd have him whimpering for me to let him come within minutes."

"I'll take you up on that," Sehun says, causing Yixing to roll his eyes. "Fifty bucks."

They bump fists in accord and Yixing takes the opportunity to remind them they have Calculus to get to.

"Does this mean I have to fuck him though? Because I was really just thinking about a blowjob but I'm totally down for his ass too," Baekhyun asks as he swings his backpack on.

"Anything. Just get him off within ten minutes and the fifty bucks are yours," Sehun pats his pocket, and slings an arm around Yixing's shoulder. "Let's get to Crapulus then!"

The three of them file out with the remaining few students who were packing up, passing by Kim Jongin who’s still at Mr. Park’s desk. His incredibly annoying and nasally voice carries over to the trio, and he’s saying he hopes Mr. Park's teaching is up to par because he's going for Valedictorian in Senior Year and he doesn't want a substitute to be the cause of a decrease in his GPA. Ignorance might be Kim Jongin's strong suit because the hint of offense he's using flies straight over his head, along with the tightly lipped smile Mr. Park gives him with every unintentional jab he’s receiving of "well, no offense but Mr. Nam was the greatest teacher, and it kind of sucks that he got sick and you had to take over."

Sehun whispers into Yixing’s ear how Mr. Park is only a few hours into his first day and he might already be willing to do everyone a favour and punch Kim Jongin in the face. The elder laughs a little and Baekhyun is in the midst of hoping that there is a God up there to finally teach the geek a lesson when Mr. Park's voice halts him in his tracks.

"Mr. Byun, I'd like to see you after school to discuss your... behaviour." He calls before the trio are out the door. Baekhyun spins around to see a very serious look on his face (good God, like that isn't boner-inducing) and a gleeful Kim Jongin.

"Really, sir? Anything in specific?" He innocently asks, and Mr. Park's lips thin into a straight line. He doesn't bother to answer the question.

"I'll see you here at 3:30."

Baekhyun sees Kim Jongin grin and push his thicker-than-the-Chemistry-textbook’s glasses up his nose, mouthing the words you're in trouble widely, showing off his blue and yellow braces.

Baekhyun snorts and flips him off. Fucking nerd.


“You wanted to see me, sir?” Baekhyun knocks on the door and slips into the room before Mr. Park gives the okay to come in.

He seats himself down in his chair near the back and stretches his legs out. It’s almost killing him to try and keep the smirk off his face. “Was I a bad boy?”

“Baekhyun,” Mr. Park says in an incredibly deep voice that automatically sends shivers down to Baekhyun’s dick, “I’d like to talk to you about your answers on the sheet.” He walks over to Baekhyun’s desk, putting the sheet down in front of him. “Care to explain?”

“Oh,” Baekhyun widens his eyes to look as innocent as possible, “Did I leave something out?”

“Baekhyun, just because I am a substitute and this is your last year, doesn’t mean you can just goof off and think you can get away with anything.”

‘Goof off’. What a dork.

“Was there a problem with my answers? I answered them as accurately and correctly as I could. I even left a note at the bottom when I got confused at your ambiguity.” Baekhyun lets a sly smirk work its way onto his face.

“Don’t play games, Baekhyun,” Mr. Park says through his rising blush, sitting on the edge of the desk in front of Baekhyun and crossing his arms. His shirt tightens across his chest in the process, and Baekhyun thinks if he stares hard enough, he might be able to see some nipple.

“Games? I’m here at school to learn, Mr. Park,” Baekhyun raises his eyebrows at him, so thankful he was born with quick-thinking wit.

Mr. Park sighs, running a hand through his tousled brown hair, and Baekhyun inwardly groans. He was so close to seeing the dark brown nub through his shirt, but now that the material isn’t pulled taut across his torso anymore his opportunity is lost.

Mr. Park’s action does bring attention to his hair though, and Baekhyun teases his lower lip with his teeth, imagining his own hands running through those soft stands as Mr. Park sucks him off.

God, Baekhyun needs to fuck him right now.

Mr. Park stands up and walks to the front. “If you’re not going to take this discussion seriously, I guess I’ll have to keep you after school for some last-minute detention.” Baekhyun’s gaze follows him as he goes to close the door, rolling his unbuttoned sleeves up to his elbows. His muscles flex as he flips the lock shut and pulls the handle down to make sure the door doesn’t open.

Baekhyun licks his lips, imagining his tongue running across those veins and--wait, did he just lock the door?

“Uh, sir, that’s a fire hazard you know.” Baekhyun sits up, kind of scared he might actually whip out a cane and start beating him for bad behaviour.

Which actually doesn’t sound too bad, now that Baekhyun thinks about it. He’s never tried toys before, but the scenario of Mr. Park bending him over a desk and calling him a ‘bad boy’ as he gets spanked with a whip or the flat of the teacher’s palm is kind of… turning him on. And now that they’re behind a safely locked door and there’s no chance someone’s going to walk in on them, Baekhyun decides to get straight to things.

“You’re to remain silent, and fill this out properly.” Mr. Park brings over a blank question sheet and places it gently on Baekhyun’s desk, the view up close bearing an even better view of his toned arms.

“Gosh, Mr. Park, hearing you so strict is making me feel all hot. Do you mind if I take off my sweater?”

The teacher blanches and Baekhyun smirks, standing up to pull it over his head. He knows his shirt comes up with it and he feels the cool air on his stomach, smirking when the sweater is off and he’s pulling his shirt back down. He chances a look in Mr. Park’s direction and nearly laughs when he sees him staring, swallowing largely.

“Y-yeah, that’s fine,” the substitute mumbles, immediately heading back to his desk at the front and averting his gaze down to the papers in front of him.

Baekhyun grins and picks up his blank sheet with two fingers, the page fluttering through the air as he makes his way towards the desk. “So could you help me with this then?” He holds up the piece of paper and leans over the desk, letting it float down in front of Mr. Park. Baekhyun’s close enough he can see the way his Adam’s apple moves, the expanse of his throat so utterly attractive.

“Because, I guess I just didn’t understand the questions then…” Baekhyun trails off as he rounds the desk, keeping eye contact with Mr. Park the entire time. His own stare is pointed and dark, filled with dirty motives, whilst the substitute seems to be confused and wide-eyed, carefully watching Baekhyun walk towards him.

He doesn’t say anything, and Baekhyun takes it as a green light to continue, casually hoisting himself onto the desk so he’s facing Mr. Park, and leaning back on his palms, swinging his legs slightly.

“M-Mr. Byun, you should return to your seat.” Mr. Park finally says, and Baekhyun savours the moment for a bit, enjoying the sight of how flustered he gets under his gaze.

“But I need help,” Baekhyun pouts, sitting up and folding his hands in his lap. “Will you help me?” He hooks a foot around the chair, pulling Mr. Park towards him as the substitute looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.

“Baekhyun, what are you doing?” He asks, the slight tremble still in his voice despite the firm hand he’s placed on Baekhyun’s leg, in attempts to stop the younger rolling him across the floor any more.

“How am I supposed to hear you from so far away? You need to be closer so you can correct my mistakes and show me where I went wrong.” Baekhyun says, licking his lower lip and lowering his gaze to look at him through his eyelashes.

It’s with a way too rapid movement that disorientates Baekhyun slightly as he feels a rush of air pass by and all of a sudden Mr. Park is standing right there, leaning over him with hands on either side of Baekhyun’s thighs, their faces mere inches apart.

“Do you really want me to show you?” Mr. Park asks, his voice even lower than Baekhyun thought was possible. The substitute’s caught-in-the-headlights façade is thrown aside, replaced with something almost animalistic and lust-filled.

It’s fucking hot.

But it’s a huge surprise to Baekhyun, to be honest, the teacher having actually picked up on his flirtatious hints throughout. His mind goes momentarily blank, his tongue not forming any words to say, and he doesn’t know what to do.

Byun Baekhyun has always been the one in charge, whether he was being fucked or doing the fucking; he always had the persona of dominance. But now, with Mr. Park, he suddenly feels… intimidated and small.

It’s no secret Baekhyun is short, but for what he lacks in height he makes up in personality and confidence. He’s definitely not unattractive by any means, and it’s with the numerous confessions over the many years from both genders that has boosted his self-esteem. It’s only been in the recent years that he has acted upon it, using his charm and good looks to get practically everything in his world wrapped around his finger.

Including many bedmates.

So he doesn’t understand why, with this new teacher whose gaze is running all over Baekhyun, he suddenly feels so open and exposed. It could be to do with his height, but Baekhyun’s had his fair share of giant trees (most notably Wu Yifan and Huang Zitao) and even with them, he never had to beg.

Of course, it wasn’t at first sight Baekhyun thought Mr. Park was extremely attractive (it was just a little observance that happened upon him during the course of the class), so he’s not subdued by his good looks either. But the teacher’s gaze is holding and dark, and Baekhyun has never felt more vulnerable.

It’s a complete shock, that the man in front of him had virtually oozed the essence of “step all over me”, only to have a complete turnover two seconds later, now dripping with charisma and seduction.

Baekhyun knows he’s been rendered mute for the past however long it’s been since Mr. Park went from Stammering And Cute Four Eyes to God Damn You Should Be Illegal With That Lip Smirk And Gaze.

Fuck, his glasses make him even hotter. Baekhyun feels like taking them off his nose (that beautifully shaped nose), and it’s with a tiny burst of confidence that his fingers are wrapping around the frames, and he’s sliding them on.

“What the fuck, are these just for aesthetic purposes?” Baekhyun looks around the room, figuring out the lenses aren’t prescription at all.

“Tsk, tsk, Mr. Byun. No foul language in my class,” Mr. Park says, his breath ghosting over the younger’s jaw.

Baekhyun stills again, and he feels the teacher’s fingers at his temple, the tips dancing so softly against his skin before he’s removing the glasses and setting them down gently beside Baekhyun.

Baekhyun keeps his mouth shut, and Mr. Park’s smile curves into a smirk once he realizes Baekhyun doesn’t have a smart retort to shoot back at him.

“Hm, what’s wrong, Baekhyun?” He asks, the tip of his nose just touching the student’s, “Cat finally got your tongue?”

Baekhyun stutters--fucking stutters, for what might be the first time ever in his post-pubescent life--right before Mr. Park’s mouth starts nipping at his jawline, lips brushing over skin and teasing the teenager in all the right ways.

“Did you have something to say, Baekhyun?” Mr. Park murmurs so low into his ear, and Baekhyun lets out the loudest gasp to break the silence that’s fallen in the room, feeling the wet muscle lick the shell of his ear. His hands curl into fists at his side, and he’s physically frozen, ass plastered to the desk.

Baekhyun thinks it’d take a wrecking ball to move him off the piece of furniture, with the way his hands are moving slowly across his thighs to rest on his waist and his teacher’s tongue is still in his ear.

“Not so talkative now, are you?” Mr. Park whispers, “Not when you don’t have the upper hand?”

Baekhyun thinks he’s hit the nail right on the head.

“Please,” Baekhyun finally whimpers out, and his eyes widen dramatically when he realizes that’s his own voice sounding so desperate.

“Oh, finally found something to say, have we now?” Mr. Park looks amused as he leans back ever so slightly.

Baekhyun feels about four inches tall and one hundred percent turned on right now. He doesn’t even notice until now that his own dick has been rising, a lot quicker than normal, because there’s just something about not being the one in control that’s making his hormones go off like crazy.

“God, please,” he says again, and there’s a huge urge to clasp his hand back over his mouth because why does he still sound so fucking wanton?

“Please, what?” Mr. Park asks, and this time his mouth is pressing light kisses to his neck, his lips lingering after each spot every time as he patiently waits for his answer. Baekhyun lets his head drop back and he’s mouthing oh dear God to the ceiling.

He hears him chuckle, and it’s all Baekhyun can do to not let all his restrain go and throw himself at the substitute. He wants to claw at his back and be marked all over with kisses and bruises, and preferably end up getting fucked into the whiteboard or desk.

He’s fucking shameless for him, wanting to mould their lips together and taste him, lick into his mouth and have him keening for more. Baekhyun takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes and letting the words roll off his tongue.

“Please fuck me.”

His cheeks flush with embarrassment because just how many times has Baekhyun begged to be fucked? (Read: never).

He can feel the smirk on the teacher’s lips, and fucking finally, Mr. Park is closing the distance between them to a mere centimetre, and the warmth from his breath is intoxicating to Baekhyun. He knows he can lean forward by the tiniest bit and they’ll be kissing, lips on lips, tongue meeting tongue, and he needs it just so badly.

But he wants Mr. Park to make the first move so he remains stationary, the glint of hope sparkling in his eyes that the elder will just end the torture and fucking kiss him. He knows his eyes light up when he sees him move and Baekhyun lets his eyelids flutter shut as he awaits the kiss.

Which never fucking comes.

He opens one eye to see the grinning face of Mr. Park, looking at him with amusement. Baekhyun doesn’t understand what’s happening, and his eyebrows knit together in display of his confusion.

“Maybe next time, Baekhyun.”

What. The. Fuck.

Mr. Park is already straightening up as he picks his glasses up off the desk and slips them back on.

“What?!” Baekhyun all but screeches as he jumps off the desk. “You’re going to just fucking blue-ball me right now?”

“It’s four o’clock, Baekhyun. Go home.” Mr. Park casually replies, adjusting the collar of his shirt and rolling down his sleeves.

“You’re seriously going to just leave me after that?!” Baekhyun is incredulously outraged. After all that fucking teasing and mindgames, and Mr. Park was going to just up and go?! No fucking way.

“You’re eighteen, Baekhyun,” Mr. Park sighs.

“That doesn’t mean shit! I’m legal!”

“I’m an entire sixth-grader older than you.”

“Does it look like I care? You’re smoking, I’m hot,” Baekhyun tries to reason, only to have Mr. Park shake his head with a chuckle.

“Time to go, Baekhyun,” the teacher slings his messenger bag over his head and walks towards the younger, who’s screaming, “What the fuck was all that then?!”

Mr. Park leans down, that smarmy smirk still on his face that makes him look just So Incredibly Hot. He shrugs, licking his upper lip quickly before saying, “A lesson.”

Baekhyun gapes after him as he walks past, headed for the locked door with his lips curled up in a teasing simper.

“Maybe if you pay attention and not disrupt class like today, Mr. Byun, I’ll give you a special present.”

Baekhyun watches as he unlocks it and steps outside, before the teacher’s gone from view and left Baekhyun standing with a tent in his pants and an overwhelming desire to take him up on that challenge.

Screw losing fifty bucks, Baekhyun thinks.

It’s worth absolutely nothing, not compared to Mr. Park, who Baekhyun has got his eyes firmly set on.

And he definitely won’t give up until he’s got that reward.


lmao this was actually going to end w them fucking but tee was being a butt today [[cue: why you gotta be so rude]] and so I changed it to this instead. I'll end up writing the sequel soon. hopefully maybe.

rating:m, pairing:baekhyun/chanyeol

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