Title: for you i still care
Fandom: FNL
Rating: G
Category: Het
Characters: Brian ‘Smash’ Williams/Waverly Grady .
Warning: Spoiler through to 3x4 - Hello, Goodbye.
Summary: See song lyrics below.
Disclaimer: I wish upon a star that I owned this show.
Notes: Future fic.
hear me out
day follows day
light turns to clay in my hands
how to explain
so pristine the pain
it was kindness made the cut so clean
I Still Care For You by Ray LaMontague
The church folks would say “That one there” with envy, pride and fear in their voices for small towns like Dillon aren’t the kindest to girls like her.
Dillon turned out to be the least of her problems. She had her own demons to contend with, demons tougher than any redneck telling her she needed to stay in her place.
He’d dated a lot of girls - more like ‘hooked up with’ - in the time he’d been a Panther but Waverly was the only girl he’d ever really wanted. He was smart enough to know she was like that state championship he was determined to win year after year - out of reach but only for so long.
Sometimes he thinks he loved her before he knew what that meant. He loved her even when she scared him. When he felt helpless because he couldn’t do a damn thing but hold her as they sat on her cold kitchen floor.
He’s such a big star on campus, about to be a star in primetime. No one calls him ‘Brian’ accept his mama, his sisters and the Coaches. The sound of his name falling from her lips is something he can’t describe.
“Brian,” she breathes like she was holding her breath until he said hello. He’s that 17-year-old kid again. He’s always liked the sound of his name when she says it. That’s why he really didn’t mind that she hardly ever called him ‘Smash’.
“Wavey,” he says, smile on his face even though she can’t see it. He hopes it’s still cool to call her that. “How are you?”
“Good. Real good.”
“What about you?”
“You know me. Are you home?”
“No, I’m in San Antonio. I’ve been here for a couple of years now.”
“Oh.” He can’t hide the hurt in his voice as he sits down on his bed. She’d left the summer before senior year. They’d made no promises. She wasn’t sure she’d be back. They didn’t phone and they didn’t write. He loved her and she loved him yet she’d told him this was his indefinite hiatus. Just like the last one, early on he realized he didn’t want it.
But at least he asked about her. Pulled her father aside twice after church and asked. Pastor always put a hand on his shoulder and spoke to him in hushed tones that she was fine but he didn’t know when or if she was coming back. When he asked had she asked about him, Pastor being a pastor couldn’t lie, just took his head sadly. He didn’t believe the third time would be a charm.
“I want to see you.” Simple. Fact. No hesitation in her voice.
He wants to see her, too but a couple of years and she’s just getting around to wanting to see him doesn’t make him eager to agree. Maybe that’s stupid and immature but it’s the way he feels. “I got a lot going on right now.” It’s not a complete lie. He’s always busy, even in the off season but he could make time for her.
“I really want to see you.”
Maybe it’s the way she says ‘really want’. Maybe it’s the fact that he knows he’d wait ten years. Maybe he’s just being a man. Maybe it’s all of it. “Tell me when you want to come and I’ll be here.”
He can’t believe it’s her. The last time he’s seen her they were standing in her driveway saying goodbye even though the words never left their lips.
She looks the same. Same doe like eyes that always peered into him, saw him, no matter what they were talking about. The same beauty mark on her lip. The same energy radiating off her. Her twists are longer now, to her shoulders, curling to frame her face. She’s as beautiful as he remembers. Her brown skin set off by the white sundress she wears. In his arms, she’s so soft yet solid. She smells of shea butter and jasmine.
“You can let me go now.”
“Oh, sorry,” he says, pulling away but not letting her go. His hands slide down her arms, feeling the creaminess of her skin. He takes her hands in his. He invites her into his apartment. They sit. He leans back on the sofa, one arm outstretched, legs spread, and a smile on his face.
“How are you?” he asks, no trace of the nervous tension humming just under the surface. He feels like he does before a game. Sure he smiles wide and confident, shoulders squared and sure strides across the field for the coin toss. Under it all there’s a small bundle of nerves buried deep but not deep enough because you just never know - Street, dislocated shoulder during State, that kid Ferrell. And right now? There’s so many ways this could go.
She sits in the chair placed diagonally to the sofa, leans forward, elbows on knees, hands clasped together looking so earnest. She looks him, commands his full attention. “I missed you,” she says. “And I’m sorry.”
Six little words that feel like cool summer rain on a muggy night. “Me, too.”
Companion fic:
this is love