Title: Bad Religion Pairing: One-sided CNU/Gongchan Word Count: 2,299 Summary: CNU falls in love with Gongchan, who is straight. Inspired by the Frank Ocean song of the same name. Rating: R Warnings: Discussions of homophobia ( Read more... )
ahh this was nice in its realism. Sometimes it bothers me in fics where everyone loves everyone no matter what when in reality they would be really unlikely to find that acceptance.
and yeah, i feel you. i enjoy writing happy fic, because it makes me happy and that's all that matters, but i had this idea nagging at me and i had to write it. the world isn't always so nice :c
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and maybe i will write a shinyoung sequel kkkkkk tho probably not anytime soon.
i'm glad you thought it was good, even though it hurt you omf -hugs-
and yeah, i feel you. i enjoy writing happy fic, because it makes me happy and that's all that matters, but i had this idea nagging at me and i had to write it. the world isn't always so nice :c
thanks for reading + the comment!
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