Jun 13, 2009 18:00

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randomness, uni

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Comments 8

everlostdead June 13 2009, 11:36:40 UTC

previous entry: I'm hooked on red bull too ;)


happymanatee June 13 2009, 11:51:10 UTC

Your icon is sweet as :D


cuppykate June 13 2009, 13:02:13 UTC
*stole more kaos*

I haven't watched queer as folk in years! I loved it though, I watched all of it in a few days when my aunt lent it to me...

can I ask what your condition is? you don't have to answer.

I want to use those kaos in posts, but I won't do it much if at all because I feel bad copying, they lookl great though! It's like having msn emotes to back up your sentances!


happymanatee June 13 2009, 14:28:49 UTC
Hey, go right ahead!
... )


cuppykate June 13 2009, 16:36:04 UTC
seriously? cupcake emotes....... *starts having a fit*

ohhhhhhhhhh my god. Now I need them...... I need to make some or find someone to make some! I'm officially on a quest! =D

I have depression/anxiety issues too ~ the panic attacks are what stopped me working, they're not as often now but that's because I live this really controlled restricted life where I avoid any potential anxiety provoking situations! *understanding hug*

thanks for answering, well ~ I know how it can be... I'm sorry it's getting in the way so much =(



happymanatee June 14 2009, 11:18:15 UTC
Cupcakes!. You don't have to use them, but there's an example of what you could have
... )


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