Pictures :)

Feb 13, 2009 19:15

I don't have a drinking icon so this one is close enough!! I'm visiting my parents and therefore have some pictures to share of my new apartment. But first, I'm really excited about my new haircut so I wanted to show that off too ^_____^ I'll crop it and replace my profile pic soon too.


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Comments 5

myobsession February 14 2009, 05:25:48 UTC
i like that quotey wall.

and nintendo 64 FTW!

i still have mine! i feel like a huge dork hahahaha


happymanatee February 14 2009, 07:10:43 UTC
Cheers! And noooo don't feel dorky!!! Old skool pwns! Haha Seriously, how much do I love playing Yoshi Story while my homework slowly piles up? :P


myobsession February 14 2009, 08:17:30 UTC
i know right?
i end up spending all my time playing super mario, i neglect evrything else hehe


ilovemybaby February 14 2009, 19:25:42 UTC
OMG, what a beautiful place you're living in! I'm totally loving it! And you look absolutely adorable, you beautiful thing! ♥


happymanatee February 17 2009, 04:47:56 UTC
:) Thanks beautiful girl!

I'm on my new room mates computer so I wont make an entry now or anything, but I will in the next few days and fill the LJ world in about the recent happenings. Teaser: bottle of Jim. 10 beers. Good times :P

Hope you're well!!!!


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