New Fic - Roadtrip - Chapter One

Jul 01, 2010 18:24

Title: Roadtrip
Author: happyinchintz72
Rating: Varies in chapters between PG-13 and NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything .... :(
Genre: Fluff, Fluff and more Fluff .... followed by a small smattering of angstiness in the future.

Summary: Luke and Reid have been asked by Bob to go to a National Conference and Benefit for Medical Groups looking to invest. They decide to leave a little earlier and take a trip... their adventure begins...
Chapter One Summary: Reid and Luke are sitting out on a Summer's Day reading and talking. They make plans which turns to a bit of rolling around in the grass :D .... as they would :P

Notes: This is all based in the same timeline except Bob's deal with Invicta fell through. In this though, there is no issue with Luke and Reid's relationship and such a deal! It is around a month in the future, putting to one side the Noah stuff for now. It's DEFINITE HONEYMOON PERIOD! :D 
This is a new Multi-Chapter. I still have "Stay" to finish but it should be done soon :) As I'm finished my degree now and start my professional training in Sep, I've eventually moved out of my flat for the Summer and now only have a part-time Summer job and catching up with friends to do until September comes. *sigh of relief* I can write more:D
Im really excited about writing this as I have SOOOO many ideas!!

This idea came about due to those LOVELY people over at Reid Oliver's Facebook page. Imparticularly Lisa, Martha, Leticia, Jana, Rachel, Katie, Bhumika and Demesha (think I got you all!). They are fabulous beyond words <3
I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated so very much :)

"What? Never?" Luke asked, his voice reaching levels only dogs could hear.

"If I wasn't deaf before, I am now," Reid snapped, returning to his medical journal and repositioning his feet on the table. He breathed deeply, enjoying the feel of the sun's rays penetrating his skin. "And yes, if you must know, I have never done my own laundry. Why the hell is this an issue at this time in the morning?"

Luke giggled and shook his head, dismissing the conversation with a smug smirk. Reid nodded to himself. That's shut him up, he thought cleverly.

Silence. Luke flicked the pages of his novel systematically, the paper fluttering a little in what breeze there was. He lay stretched out on the grass by Reid's chair wearing long navy shorts and a fitting white t-shirt. As much as Reid was growing accustomed to Luke being around after a month or so of being together, he was sure he'd never get used to staring at Luke in clothes that seemed to have the singular purpose of accentuating every curve, muscle and ...

"Seriously though, NEVER?!" Luke laughed, seemingly incapable of letting it lie, glancing up from. "Reid, you're a brain surgeon!"

Reid slowly glanced from his paper, unwilling to give Luke the satisfaction of a proper response. "Well golly I never did catch that class at med school. Shame."

Luke sat up now, closing his book and placing it on the grass beside him with purpose. "Reid you're in your thirties," he said, a layer of amusement to every syllable.

"You're uber perceptive today, I must say."

Luke pushed it further. He was so used to being the clueless one, the one that Reid teased for being charmed and a little lacking in the life skills department- this was payback.

"Who does your laundry now?"

"Katie," Reid replied, his eyes never leaving the printed pages as if the answer was so blatently obvious, it didn't warrant any attention.

"What? Please tell me you're not serious." Reid, now getting a little huffy, stared at Luke, the answer written across his countenance. He was entirely serious.
"So you're telling me that you leave Katie, a single mum with a job and dozens of sleepless nights to wash your pants and socks?"

"I'm not the one with the housekeeper and private jet, let me just remind you," Reid bit back.

"Oh you really are a miserable grump today, I'm only trying to learn more about you" Luke accused with a tone that made Reid want to sink further into his own personal shell, "what is it?"

"Might have something to do with a certain blonde who seems to insist on taunting me," Reid stated. He didn't want to admit to Luke that he felt somewhat insecure about being a figure head. I work, I save people, I root around in brains, I am a doctor, he thought, I am not a corporate puppet or made to talk to people and sprout over exaggerated bullshit about profit margins and proposals. Reid Oliver didn't do insecure though, he kept that kind of thing to himself and instead dabbled in certain brands of mind fuckery and misery to hide it.

"That's a lie. I know on personal experience that you happen to enjoy my taunting and persistent nature. It's what you love about me most," Luke boasted, curling his lips into a cheeky grin and sidling his shoulders to nudge Reid's hip. "Come on, what is it? You've been in this mood all morning."

Reid sighed roughly and threw his journal onto the table at his feet. He dropped his legs and joined Luke on the grass. Why the hell I thought I'd get any work done is beyond me, he thought as he gave in. He always gave in to Luke.

"Do we have to go?" Reid asked, realisation suddenly dawning on Luke in a wave of clarity.

"So THAT'S what this is about," he started, rolling his eyes as he spoke, "Reid you agreed. It's not a dog and pony show, as you so pleasantly put it yesterday. Bob asked you and you said yes. He asked me and I said yes. You have time off and cover for your patients, we have arranged everything. So yes, we do have to go."

"Bob will regret the day he suggested I be the one to represent Memorial."

"Why? He must trust you and asked you to go. Plus, I think it shows a great deal of respect. There's a reason he was so keen on me coming along though, I suppose," Luke suggested, his lips pursing cleverly before he continued, "Plus, we do things together now, right?"

Reid felt that sweet ache of happiness and that tug of want and adoration he felt whenever Luke addressed them as a 'we'. "Right."

"Sooooo," Luke droned out, searchingly, "it'll be fine. Look, I had an idea..."

"What?" Reid asked slowly, searching Luke for any signs of an impulsive plan. Luke and ideas usually weren't a good combination but he did have his moments so Reid listened anyway.

"Why don't we go a few days early and travel a bit before the Conference? I mean we're only going to be spending time in meetings and doing all of those things you hate so much so why not try and make the most of the time we have outside of all of that?" Reid was all set to say 'hell no', to tell Luke he was out of his mind, to quash whatever hair-brained or ultra optimistic plan Luke had but he had to hold his tongue. It did sound good. He couldn't believe his own thoughts, considering even a few weeks before meeting Luke he'd have never agree to a little trip away or a frivilous bit of fun but he wanted to- he really wanted to. "Plus, it's not all bad. The conference will mainly be mingling, champagne, food..... Me," Luke added a suggestive wink to the final word and lay his head on Reid's shoulder. He shuddered in the heat as he felt Reid's cool fingertips lace patterns on the back of his neck.

"Well, minus the mingling, which you know I'm going to despise, you've provided the three soul reasons I agreed to go." Luke flickered his eyelashes and caught Reid's gaze, steely and deep with a touch of sparkle from the sun. He used his hands to push Reid back onto the grass, eyes widening as he watched Reid's pale blue t-shirt rise to expose his stomach. "You always get people to do whatever you want with this tactic?" Reid asked, feeling dominated and relishing every second.

"Pretty much," Luke murmered as his lips, sweet and salty at once, found Reid's. He leaned his warm torso down onto Reid's chest and wrapped his fingers into the crook of his neck.

Reid squirmed a little, nestling into the grass to allow Luke to lean down further. He wanted Luke closer. He got his wish as he felt warm hands slide up from the waistband of his jeans, slowly- far too slow. Reid felt sweetly suffocated. "Mhhhmmmm," was all he could muster as he lazily wrapped his arm to circle Luke's hip. Reid felt lips sucking labourously below his ear as he drifted hazily in and out of consciousness in the stifling heat.

Luke's hands toyed with the curling strands of hair at Reid's neck and only worked more and tickled lighter as Reid shuffled with pleasure. "You are a first class tease," Reid breathed, moving his head to one side regretably.

"Well, if you'd like," Luke whispered, close to Reid's ear, planting a lingering baby kiss, " I can always stop." Reid looked up and smirked. Luke's eyes glittered and shone, his hair reflecting the bright sun and skin tanned slightly from only a morning of exposure.

"Do you want to kill me?" Reid whined, dragging Luke's hips closer and ontop of him. He saw Luke as a prize, a prize he'd won incredibly and now cherished with a kind of intensity he didn't think was possible to define.

"Daily." Luke was quiet and distracted, too busy focusing on sending Reid spiralling and working his way further into Reid's already hammering heart.

"I am coming you know," Reid said and then stopped. His eyes closed as he laughed into Luke's hair at his own ambiguity. He meant the three days of stuffy medical business men but his mind played tricks, dirty tricks.

"Well, if I get my way..." Luke drawled seductively, his voice trailing off, low and saturated with need. Reid felt his hair being tugged, the grass grazing his ear and a hand, purposefully grasping handfuls of his t-shirt material. He groaned again, not sure how long he could last. The sun's rays tingled on his skin causing a thin sheen of perspiration to form, something Luke could taste as he kissed down Reid's neck and along his collar bone. Luke's legs tangled themselves and the weight of him trapped Reid so tightly, he was sure he would sink into the grass.

Reid was happy to let Luke play, hell Luke could do whatever his pretty self wished but something deep in the pit of Reid's aching chest cried out for more. He reacted instantly. Luke was just too damn slow.

His hands dragged Luke's infuriatingly fitting t-shirt up, exposing his back to the sun's heat and causing a tiny whimper to escape. He pushed his weight over Luke and sunk him lower into the grass below, feeling Luke give in. "My turn," he murmered as his lips nibbled Luke's ear and then turned their attention to the soft space below. Luke shivered, letting his loose limbs relax and drape themselves around Reid at any opportunity.

"Be my guest," he whispered with a muffled chuckle as Reid's hands, flat out and searching, slid around his waist on heated skin and met at the base of his spine. Reid, his lips ever so persistent, kissed intermittently between slow and teasing and desperate and forceful, something he knew drove Luke wild.

Luke, relinquishing any power and surrendering to Reid's touch, felt his eyes roll and hands fist. Reid didn't waiver for a second. His hands now up under Luke's t-shirt between cotton and grass were now tugging at Luke's blonde strands, his arms enveloping Luke. Every touch scorched and every heated kiss fizzed the air around them. Luke could feel himself tense, he held his breath and frantically clasped his arms around Reid's warm neck, holding on, as he felt pressure weigh down on him blissfully. He dragged himseld upwards into Reid further, trying so hard for release and letting his head sink back into the earth with a noise so aching and charged. It was seconds before they both, breathing heavily and burning up, lay exhausted side by side.

"So we're going?" Luke asked, turning his head in the grass to align with Reid's.

Reid took in Luke's flushed cheeks and ever present optimism and knew there was only one answer. "We're going."

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