Title:The Adventure of the Ailing Doctor Word Count: 794 Summery: The good doctor catches the flu, and Holmes pics a lock. A/N: Written because http://sciuraamethysta.livejournal.com/ made a comment on another fic.......
Title: The Adventure of the Missing Doctor ch4 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 611 Summary: Watson is kidnapped, and Holmes knows something isn't right. Warnings: umm....none...
Title: The Adventure of the Missing Doctor ch3 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 932 Summary: Watson is kidnapped, and Holmes knows something isn't right. Warnings: guns
Title: The Adventure of the Missing Doctor ch2 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 745 Summary: Watson is kidnapped, and Holmes knows something isn't right. Warnings: little bit of blood
Title: The Adventure of the Missing Doctor ch1 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 675 Summary: Watson is kidnapped, and Holmes knows something isn't right. Warnings: ve~ Watson and torture-ish scene
Title: Going Holme Rating: PG-13 Summary: After 6 months of marriage, Watson walks in on something, the walks way Word count: 1064 Warnings: Mary bashing
Title:The Adventure of the Forgotten Birthday Rating: PG-13 Word count: 1725 Summary: the adventure ends with a bang Warning: I told him to put the gun down, but did he listen?