Drabble Series: *Kicks 5 Into The Scene*

May 07, 2010 23:17

Drabble 5 of 20: Fun

Pairing: Vicky-T/Hayley

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship, Paramore, or the The Sounds. Any events here are purely fictional.


Another day ended for the Cobras. They had just finished writing down some songs for their new album, trying to find that perfect theme for their work and pulling hilarious pranks with one another.

Victoria just wanted to rest when she and the others got back to the hotel. Entering her hotel room, she simply expected a night of late-night movies with Gizmo.

But when Maja called her and invited her (and only her) to a party down at some club in downtown, Victoria automatically said yes and said she’ll get there soon enough.

Finally! A night out without any of the guys tagging along. Much as she loved being with the Cobras, Victoria admitted she wanted to spend some time by herself with a  couple of girls for one night and Maja was offering her that on a silver platter. Who was she to say no to a golden opportunity?

After making sure Ryland and Alex would take care of Gizmo and leaving enough food (kissies) and water to last her beloved Pomeranian the night, she left the hotel to have some fun.


When she got to the club, called After Dawn with no irony whatsoever, it was already in full swing. The people on the dance floor were getting their freak on, drinks were made and the lively mood in there was just infectious. Spotting Maja at a table, she waved at her and was almost immediately ambushed by a blonde-haired woman who threw her arms around Victoria’s neck to give a hug.

“Hayley!” Victoria greeted as she gave a hug herself to the vocalist of Paramore. “What are you doing here? I thought you were busy trying to write new songs for your new album.”

“And what? Miss this?” Hayley said, letting go of Victoria to use her arms to gesture their current area, “no way! I talked to the guys and they were cool about it. Been working myself to the bone, apparently, and so they let me go to have some fun.”

Before Victoria could say anything, Hayley was dragging her over to where the other (but natural) blonde was. Maja raised her glass in greeting and smiled at the sight of the red-head.

“Glad you could make it to the party,” Maja said, “I thought you wouldn’t be able to come.”

“And miss this?” Victoria replied with a smile on her face and pointing to where Hayley had bounded over to the dance floor where the music was cranked up to brain- damaging levels now, “no way Maja. Now, are we going to start this party or not?”

“Of course,” Maja replied finishing her drink, “the night is still young!”

This is going to be great!, Victoria thought as she hit the dance floor.


Victoria hadn’t felt so pumped up in her life and was having the time of her life at the moment. People noticed her and she loved the attention she was getting at the moment.

She managed to get the attention of a couple of hot guys and was swapping phone numbers with one of them when Maja suddenly tugged on her arm and pulled her away from the guys.

But then she looked at her and noticed the worried eyes of the woman and felt her feelings of annoyance be replaced with worry.

“What is it?” Victoria asked over the loud music, “did something happen?”

“I can’t find Hayley at all,” Maja said, “have you seen her?”

Victoria immediately began kicking herself and sobered up when she told Maja she hadn’t and the blonde began to look for Hayley. Victoria took a page out of Maja’s book and began looking for the young woman as well.

Damn it! She should have paid closer attention to her. Hayley always had low alcohol tolerance but didn’t want to ruin anyone’s fun. In a way, Victoria felt responsible for the vocalist since she was certainly the younger one between the two of them.

Victoria searched the nightclub, now simply crowded and loud to her now and no longer fun, high and low. She asked people if they seen Hayley, checked the entrance and exit. Even went to the bathrooms (yes, even the males to her disgust but it was for Hayley dammit). Still no sign of her. By now Victoria’s mind was spouting out the craziest scenarios of what happened to Hayley.

The red-head looked around worried to no end and certainly not having fun anymore.

If anything happened to Hayley…

“Viiiicky!” Victoria nearly had a heart attack when two arms from behind suddenly wrapped around her neck and she felt a body press up against her.

She was about to throw the person off her or call for security when she remembered who would be the only one when drunk dare call her ‘Vicky’. Turning her head and blue met glazed-over-green and, before she could do anything, Hayley’s lips were soon crushed against hers.

The first thing that came into Victoria’s head was that she didn’t know Hayley could be such damn good kisser. The Paramore front woman was usually reserved about her personal, ahem, talents.

The miracles of alcohol.

Victoria saw the cameras and cellphones aimed at the two of them now while Hayley’s tongue impatiently demanded entrance to her mouth. Some (no, all) of the guys were going ‘WHOOOOO!’ at the sight of Vicky-T of Cobra Starship and Hayley Williams of Paramore making out. Who wouldn’t?

She could hear Maja’s (amused?) voice calling her name but it was drowned out by the cat calls, shouts, squeals and gushes of ‘OMG!’

Hayley pulled away with a cute grin on her face and a blush to match. “Always wanted to do that,” she said, “but didn’t get the courage to do till now.”

Again, the miracles of alcohol.

So, Victoria had two options now.

1)      Stop Hayley and pull her out of the club to get some air. The reasonable thing anyone would do.

2)      The (as she and the others in Cobra Starship liked to call it) Gabe Way.

Victoria pulled Hayley back for another kiss. Open mouth this time.

As the ‘WHOOOO!’ increased in pitch, Victoria noted she was certainly wrong about what she thought earlier. She was still having fun.


I’M ON TIME! Praise the Lord!
Alright, that odd moment over, let's get this explanation started.

This was originally the drabble ‘Alcohol’ but switched it to ‘Fun’ when I noticed that the story wasn’t about that anymore and just went ‘whatever, I’ll type in some random word’. I got bored trying to make sure this made sense. Sue me.

And I included Maja in (again) my fic because I love her. Don’t judge me. D: Anyways…this drabble done with! Please tune in against for the next story!

fun, fanfiction, drabble, cobra starship, paramore, writing, deadlines

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