Drabble Series: Number 4 Is First Up Today!

May 06, 2010 23:37

Drabble 4 of 20: Inspiration

Pairing: Brendon/Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own Panic! At The Disco or the reader. Any events here are purely fictional.


When Brendon first met her, he thought their romance was going to have the perfect ending (and he was a stupid bastard for even thinking like that).

The two first met at a party and, as the cliché demands it, he spotted her across the other side of the room. He forgot why he was there, what it was, or who hosted the party but he still remembers how he first met her.

Brendon remembers the way she smiled and looked back at him with those clear eyes. He remembers how his heart went thump-thump-thump at that gorgeous smile. Brendon had his share of girls before in the past at the age of 16 but this yearning for this one girl was surprisingly strong.

He wanted to suddenly talk to her and know the girl better. The friendly, shy vibe she gave out intrigued him in a party full of fun and roaring laughter. A contrast to the surrounding around her, the girl stood still in her spot while life and the others raged on. The whole situation was poetic in a sense now Brendon thinks about it.

Whatever the reason was, he walked to them and gave his best winning smile to the girl. She smiles shyly back and says something to him he can’t hear over the sound of the loud music. It endears him even more to her.

“I’m Brendon Urie,” he says to the girl, “what’s your name?” She tells him and he asks another question.

And another.

And another.

Soon enough it develops into an actual conversation. The girl, no longer shy, smiles and laughs openly as they continue to chat about anything and anyone. The two soon forget the world around them as they focus on the other person. Brendon is sure (so sure that it kind of hurts) that this girl is going to do something to him one day (and he’s right but not the way he thinks it’ll turn out).

By the end of the party, Brendon leaves with the girl’s phone number in his pocket and a faint lipstick mark on his cheek.


The relationship is great at the start. The moments they shared were sweet and intimate. The touches, kisses and fucks they had was nothing like he had with other girls before. Brendon swore that he’ll never let this relationship go sour (and it did like all teenage romances did).

She encouraged him to follow his passion and supported him all the way in it. He tried to do the same and it he felt like she really was the one at the time.

When he was 17, he was asked to join Brent’s band after Trevor left it. At first, he was somewhat hesitant to do so. If he joined the band, he was going to spend more time with the others. This meant that meant spending less time with his girl. Could he really do that?

He thought and pondered on it before finally telling (alright, blurting out) to her one night. They had just finish having sex and the after glow was going away. Brendon looked at her nude, sweaty form, smiling face and just said the words.

“Brent invited me to join his band,” he told her, “because Trevor left and they’re looking for someone to play rhythm guitar.”

“Brendon, that’s great. That’s the perfect opportunity,” she whispered in his ear, “it can be your big break! Don’t let that important thing go.”

“But I’m already holding it,” he replied kissing her on the lips, hugging her naked body closer to his and sharing the body heat between them. She attempted to roll her eyes at those cheesy words but that beautiful smile on her lips said otherwise.


The relationship was beautiful.  And that was the reason why it was doomed to the start.

Teenagers may claim to know enough by now but in honesty they never do. They don’t realize that once you’re in a relationship you still keep moving it, not just stop it there. It was like a flower. You give it constant attention, love and dedication it will grow. If you simply stop when it shows signs of life and simply think that is alright it will soon wilt.

And a relationship like that between Brendon and the girl needed constant care. But they didn’t care for it and so it began to break apart.

It first began to crack just a little bit when he joined the band. Brendon was always with the guys, practicing with them and didn’t pay a lot of attention to her anymore.

Then it broke even more when she refused to talk to him about it and simply waited for him to realize. When he didn’t do that, she began to feel lonely and began to resent Brendon for not realizing her needs.

More cracks came when Brendon tried to ask her why she was so cold but she refused to answer. Hurt by her constant refusal and her constantly snapping at him whenever he asked, he simply stopped asking and spent more time on the band.

She felt lonelier now and blamed both herself and him for it and tried to find solace in anything. She did.

It finally shattered when Brendon stopped by her house one day and found her in the arms of another man.


It was over.

That was what he was telling himself as he left the house, bruised and pissed off. He ignored her pleas for him to come back in and let her explain herself. He ignored the tears on her face when she ran to his car. He ignored her cries when he drove off.

When he got home and into his room, Brendon could not ignore it anymore.

He couldn’t ignore the memories.

He couldn’t ignore the sight of the dress on the floor.

He couldn’t ignore the smell of sex and sweat in the air.

And, most of all, he couldn’t ignore the faint lipstick markings on the guy’s smug face.


It has almost been a year since the incident and Brendon’s doing well. He rarely sees her now a days since Pete Wentz noticed them (praise the power of LiveJournal) and they’ve been attempting to get their first album together. He hasn’t spoken to her since and she hasn’t tried to speak to him also.

Often times he finds himself punching her phone number on his cell, wanting to either chew her out for what she had done or simply talk to her and hear her voice. And always he stopped himself from doing that.

Sometimes he thinks of her and what she did and hopes that son of a bitch was worth it. Other times he stops the moment he thinks of her because he wouldn’t let her kill his mood.

Most of the time he just thinks of her and that was it.


Ryan came to him one day after practice and when everyone else had left. He was packing his thing away when the slightly older boy came with hesitant smile on his face and some papers in his hands.

“What are you still doing here?” Brendon asked, curious. Ryan usually left early so he could think of more songs for the band.

“I wrote down a song,” Ryan explained, “and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind because I kind of…based it on…”

Brendon got the message clearly and said he had no problem. He told Ryan about her once when he was drunk. He knew Ryan would never tell anyone about it. They may have their moments but even Ryan knew that there was a line. She was one of them.

“Can I see it?” Brendon asked, holding his hand, “I promise I won’t rip it apart or something.”

Ryan nodded and handed the papers. They were covered in scratch outs, marks and more but Brendon could see the finished product.

“Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it…”


LOL fail angst and plot. Don’t you love the fact I make very little sense in these stories of mine?

I’m finally updating my work! But not in order so that is still going to be an issue! Yeah…

Anyways…this goes out to Roxisangel, who asked for a fic that was about Brendon. Originally this fic was suppose to be a happily-ever-after thing but listening to ‘Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off’ one too many times while writing that kind of distorted it. Slight AU, as you obviously can tell.

Honestly, I WAS going to keep a promise and post Alcohol up but then this took over and this was the first to be finished so here it is. Hope you enjoyed it all.

So, that’s it from me! Tune in for the next one! Please don’t kill me Les Yay fans…

fanfiction, drabble, writing, deadlines, angst, panic! at the disco, music

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