Title: Assault, Trespass and Vandalism - PART TWO! Author: moonflower_rose Pairing: HP/DM Genre/Rating: NC-17 overall Warnings: The usual...also, don't run with scissors... Length: 3000(ish) words Summary: Sequel to the fic Disturbing The Peace - written for my darling silentauror!!! Disclaimer: Please see my disclaimer here.
or hopping on one foot while eating a banana in South Wales.
Ahahahaha! That sounds so very canon, too - you've totally got JKR's quirky mannerisms down. :) Also, Petunia and the chopsticks, lol. :D
Well, that was kind of uncalled for, and Harry was about to say so when Malfoy exploded into a tirade of curse-words and flying spittle, and pinwheeling arms. All the regulars were there, arsehole, bastard, speccy and scarhead - it was just like being back in school - and there were a few of the less regular insults, such as Hairy Snotter, Gryffindick, and Scar Breath (which quite frankly, didn’t make any sense). Then came a whole flood of brand new swears that Malfoy appeared to be making up as he went along, the most distressing of which, to Harry, was ‘cunt-eyes’…Okay, so love for the entire paragraph (Scar Breath! :D), but it was really 'cunt-eyes' that did me in. I laughed so hard at that that I cried. :D :D :D
( ... )
Man. Awesome, awesome sequel to DtP (which is, by the way, one of my favorite dirty-talk fics thus far). The office dynamics, Sandra the Sandwich Queen, and Harry's inner dialogue made my day. I definitely also had to stop reading after "cunt-eyes" for a good minute just trying to visualize it in my head.
Hey bud - I was wondering if it would be okay to use your picture (with credit, of course!) in a writers interview coming up next month? I really loved it, and if it was okay with you I was hoping it could be included with the interview?
Comments 25
I especially like Draco's name calling. So funny.
Ahahahaha! That sounds so very canon, too - you've totally got JKR's quirky mannerisms down. :) Also, Petunia and the chopsticks, lol. :D
Well, that was kind of uncalled for, and Harry was about to say so when Malfoy exploded into a tirade of curse-words and flying spittle, and pinwheeling arms. All the regulars were there, arsehole, bastard, speccy and scarhead - it was just like being back in school - and there were a few of the less regular insults, such as Hairy Snotter, Gryffindick, and Scar Breath (which quite frankly, didn’t make any sense). Then came a whole flood of brand new swears that Malfoy appeared to be making up as he went along, the most distressing of which, to Harry, was ‘cunt-eyes’…Okay, so love for the entire paragraph (Scar Breath! :D), but it was really 'cunt-eyes' that did me in. I laughed so hard at that that I cried. :D :D :D ( ... )
So, I assume this is it for the sequel, and that after this, we just know what happens?
Well...not really, no. *points*
A metrosexuelle tribute.
So to answer your question, yes. I'm also very, very flattered.
By the way, I reread DtP just yesterday, and I had another fit after I got to "cunt-eyes." It gets me every time (because I'm 12).
More exclamation points because you liked it: !!!!!!!
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