Jun 11, 2010 22:00
- 10:35 RT @FakeAPStylebook: Do not ask an interview subject about his mother if you suspect he may be a replicant. #
- 14:12 RT @vixy: Sarah Palin: crafting a feminism that says we CAN have it all: Gender equality *and* obedience to men! jezebel.com/5560911/ #
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Jun 10, 2010 22:00
- 17:40 RT @BPGlobalPR: People say our stock has plummeted because of the spill. False. It's because that commie Obama hates the middle class. ^Tony #
- 17:41 RT @nGenera: nGenera is growing. Looking for (2) Inside Sales Reps in Bellevue WA 3-5 yrs sales experience within a high tech company #
- 17:55 RT @BPGlobalPR: A $75 million liability cap is too
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Jun 09, 2010 22:00
- 14:49 RT @tinybuddha: "Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive." ~Elbert Hubbard #
- 16:23 This is a much better day. Days when I can focus are fun, like playing a MMORPG. #
- 17:09 It's raining while sunning. I'll bet there's a rainbow someplace. #
- 17:41 OK SQL2005, here is how you can be better. Stop popping up every 5 mins asking
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Jun 08, 2010 22:00
- 14:45 It's just like back when people thought MP4 was an upgrade to MP3. #facepalm RT @nikhilbhaskaran: Its the iPhone 4, not the iPhone 4G! #
- 14:49 @ Ainmer I love you so much! Happy 2-year. :D #
- 14:55 RT @vixy: Next time a record label claims to be 4 artists: bit.ly/cDMe7Q #
- 15:50 RT @Ainmer Heads of libertarian Cato Institute and liberal Center
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Jun 07, 2010 22:00
- 10:40 RT @lstigerts: Friendly reminder for the conscious consumer: Arco/AM-PM purchases and resells #BP gasoline. #
- 10:42 RT @BPGlobalPR: We're having an internal debate at the office. Is the Gulf of Mexico one of the Great Lakes? #bpwonders #
- 10:43 @ nikhilbhaskaran I am checking twitter for updates since I don't have time to watch it live. Am
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Jun 03, 2010 22:00
- 10:34 RT @thinkgeek: Today in Geek History: WarGames is released in 1983 & tic tac toe finally gets its due. WINNER: NONE. #
- 10:35 RT @BPGlobalPR: So YOU want to see pictures of dead animals covered in oil and WE are the bad guys!? Sick bastards. #bpcares #
- 10:36 RT @FakeAPStylebook: Spell it "ellipsis," "ellipses," "elipsis," "ellipseseisis" --
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Jun 02, 2010 22:00
- 13:12 @ gfish grats on the interview :) #
- 13:23 RT @lstigerts: RT @postsecret: "There is no coming to consciousness except through pain." -- Carl Jung #
- 17:21 RT @FakeAPStylebook: "horrible tragedy" - use this phrasing to differentiate the described event from hilarious tragedies. #
- 17:42 RT @nGeneraCIM: You want a job? We've got open positions in
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Jun 01, 2010 22:00
- 11:23 RT @BPGlobalPR: As part of our continued re-branding effort, we are now referring to the spill as "Shell Oil's Gulf Coast Disaster"#bpcares #
- 15:35 @ paraplegicracer I'd send you some Tabasco brand hot pepper sauce, but I hoard it for myself. nom. #
- 16:43 The cottonwood (or similar) tree(s) in the vicinity of my office is severely prolific.
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May 31, 2010 22:00
- 15:18 RT @FakeAPStylebook: The Bureau Chiefs are taking Memorial Day off to recognize all the great things memorials have done for us. #
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