I still haven't found any benefits to being eighteen. Today I was listening to some Catch-22 (I know, old school, right?) and realized that when he was my age, Tomas was already a genius songwriter. And what have I done? Oh, wow...I honestly didn't even notice until right now that this is exactly how I Am the Messenger starts. If I was in my
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Comments 2
and WOT?!?! It is like Woodstock, danngg.
I've decided to give ska another change, I've decided. Ska music is always so catchy. It's just that all the songs sound alike, lol, and plus I always have an adverse reaction to things people suggest. If someone insists that it's amazing I always end up saying I don't like it without even trying.
19... yeah, that's plenty far away. I wanted to take computer programming classes next semester but I haven't been able to schedule an appointment with counselors in time, so I think I'm just gonna worry about deciding things next year. I keep having mini freak outs about school and then I calm down again, lol.
That better be far away. I still don't know what I'm doing with my life, and I was happy being forced to take prereqs this semester...but now I have a choice to make for the winter, and I don't know what to do...for a moment, I thought double-majoring in english and engineering was doable until Michelle told me that I have to take a foreign language. XP We have time. It's okay. :O
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