2014 Big Bang

Jan 13, 2014 21:46

Just signed up for the 2014 Big Bang.

I am -- ready to do this, like I was ready in 2010 with OTHAFA.

I am excited and petrified all at the same time.

But mostly excited because -- because.

I know when I have things I need to write about.

This is one of those times.

Wish me luck -- whoever chances upon this .

I'll need it.

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Comments 10

holy cats! aunttora January 14 2014, 03:49:40 UTC
That's AWESOME news! I go back and read "Over the Hills and Far Away" as often as I can bear to -- because it just shatters me every time, but it's my all-time favorite. And (it goes without saying) spectacular. I cant' WAIT!


Re: holy cats! hansons_angel January 14 2014, 15:22:21 UTC
Thanks -- and I hope it's awesome news. . .right now it's more,"OMG, what have I DONE?" : )


embroiderama January 14 2014, 03:55:18 UTC
Oooh, yay! *shakes pom-poms*


hansons_angel January 14 2014, 15:23:28 UTC
Hey hon, thanks -- I'll need all the *pom-pom shaking* I can get! : )


arliss January 14 2014, 04:02:29 UTC
I am completely *thrilled* to expect fic from you again. Are you going to break us again this time?

I don't know whether to hope so, or hope not.

In conclusion, YAY!


hansons_angel January 14 2014, 15:25:38 UTC
Your support means the world to me -- thank you for it : )

I don't know that I can outdo the breakage of OTHAFA, but yes -- I am sure there will be some breakage with this -- I know no other way : )


lausbub0402 January 14 2014, 13:46:14 UTC
Wait OTHAFA was 2010 already? Heck yes, it's about time you give us another Big Bang !!!
I'm thrilled to hear that and I can't wait what kind of emotions you're gonna put us through this time.
No need to wish you luck, 'cause I already know it's gonna be amazing and another piece of art, but I do wish you as much free time and inspiration as you need to fullfill this new challenge.
You'll make it, there's no doubt my dear.


hansons_angel January 14 2014, 15:27:44 UTC
You are awesome and thank you so much for your kind words : ) And thank you especially for the wishes for free time and inspiration -- exactly the good thoughts I need! : )


idlewild_ January 14 2014, 14:12:35 UTC
YAY!!! If you need words of encouragement or general snuggles, poke me!


hansons_angel January 14 2014, 15:30:45 UTC
Ha-ha, I'll need more than that from you my wonderful Friend : ) Hand-holding, general info about the things you are familiar with (like last time) and the like. Thanks for being here for me, I appreciate you so much! : )


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