Title: Full Tilt Boogie (2/6)
hansbekhart &
ladyvyolaRating: NC-17 (Sam/Dean, Michael/Dean, Sam/Michael, Sam/Dean/Michael, Sam/OC)
Summary: There are only two kinds of secrets: the ones you keep, and the ones you shouldn't have at all. When Sam and Dean take Michel on his first hunt (that doesn't involve a shtriga), they end up on the psychedelic
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Comments 2
*has a moment*
Gods, okay. Sam's strung-out exhaustion is good, in that bad, bad way. The ghost-people give me the creeps. Micheal on Sam's lap was unexpected and a little grotesque, considering, as was the comment he made about the people - guys - being okay.
*has creepy thoughts*
And then - Chris. Just...how fucking *horrible* and creeptastic and utterly devastating.
I love Sam having powers, locking them down sounds dangerous, the Sam/Micheal talk was awesome.
*dear gods, it's nearly three in the morning.*
Thank you for reading, babe!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying the story!
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