
Apr 15, 2007 09:35

Hey, guess who crossed the 20,000 word mark last night on their Big Bang fic? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I would've been really stoked, but by that point I sort of felt like banging my head against a wall. No, I was stoked. We've crossed a very important moment and it came off beautifully. So I'm happy. If only the damn story was done already! I'd ( Read more... )

car trouble, big bang

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Comments 20

ellipsisblack April 15 2007, 16:49:45 UTC
Hee, I am all evilly pumped about my ending, actually. I said when I took on this plot that it wouldn't end well; I had an alternative that involved vampire!Dean that, paradoxically, would have potentially had a happy ending.

But hey, I am sadistic. ♥

And \o/ 20k word mark! Go you!


hansbekhart April 16 2007, 06:30:22 UTC
Yay, thank you!

Hah! I think I used to be happy about having bad endings. I was sort of evilly stoked about one fic, where I ended up killing a major character - part of the fun was that everyone who was reading it was convinced that EVERYONE was going to die, but nobody really believed I'd do it, you know?

Heh, evil endings. I'm looking forward to reading yours, then :D.


rei_c April 15 2007, 17:11:58 UTC
Go you on crossing 20K! *Pom-poms*

Does that happen to anyone else? Because I feel a bit like a loser, but how much does a story upset you, when you're writing it?

It happens to me all the time. Not usually by the end, because I'm a sucker for happy(-ier) endings, but during the middle of most of them, I go through this headdesking, facepalming, stomachaching 'what the hell am I doing?' moment that lasts...longer than a moment. Some of the 5D5D fics, I felt like that through the middle 20K, which I never thought was a good thing, but. *Shrugs*

I guess, what I'm trying to say in this long, nonsensical ramble, is that no, you are not alone, and yes, it does happen to others.



hansbekhart April 16 2007, 06:32:21 UTC
I have been irritated with myself for weeks that I still haven't read your 5D5D series. I live in San Francisco and I am a SUCKER for local stories, plus they were very highly recced to me (I can't remember who by). My schedule is just impossible these days. So, summer reading, I suppose >.<;;.

Heh, I'm glad to hear that it happens to others. I think it's the middle that hits me too, or at least the part where I'm ramping up to really, really hurt a character. It's not a fun feeling and yet it is, somehow.


rei_c April 16 2007, 16:49:29 UTC
*Hugs more* Oh, they'll be around for ages and ages. Also, how exciting is it to say 'summer reading' and know that's close? (Or maybe it's just me...?)


hansbekhart April 17 2007, 06:29:48 UTC
Oh, dude, VERY exciting. I graduate from college in four weeks, so I'm ... sort of beyond words ahahahaha.


lyra_wing April 15 2007, 18:02:57 UTC
You just wanna RUB IT IN, don't you?

Ugh. I'm at 10,000 words. And around the halfway mark, so I guess it's all good. :)


hansbekhart April 16 2007, 06:33:27 UTC
Oh yeah :D. The whole point of this post is so that I can go NEENER NEENER at everyone, duh.

Dude, 10,000 words! That's awesome! I started early because I'm a really slow writer and I have a very busy schedule, and I'll probably need all of the time we have left to us >.<;;.


stephanometra April 15 2007, 18:49:07 UTC
SPN seems uniquely able to do that kind of thing to me; "Bruised" totally turned my crank all through the damn sex scene (which was interesting, seeing as how I wrote it in class for the most part), and the prequel I'm doing for it now...I wrote the ending the other day (out of sequence), and now I am fucking despondent over it because it is so sad and that is so totally not where I wanted the story to go. I'm sure I'll get over it in a couple more days, but right now I just have no desire to write because it would mean hurting Sam more.

But hey. When Story commands, what choice do we have?


hansbekhart April 16 2007, 06:35:05 UTC
I think it's because of how relatable the characters are - I really, really, really identified with Dean right off the bat. All of the small details of their lives are ones that we, the viewers, have also experienced. They're just very human characters.

You're totally right, though. I only feel like I'm writing well when I feel like the story is being written THROUGH me, rather then BY me.


fallia April 15 2007, 19:26:57 UTC
Haha, yes, that has happened to me a few times; I tend to get sniffly and helpless over Hei/Ed in FMA because I am a big dork like that, and when I am doing something unpleasant to a character I also feel guilty about it.

Not that it stops me, of course. >_>

Congrats on the 20,000 word mark. That's awesome. :D


hansbekhart April 16 2007, 06:36:01 UTC
Heh, yeah, it's never stopped me either. And really, I think it's a good thing - if the author isn't affected by the story, can we expect the reader to be?

And thank you!


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