3 out of 5 times Tatsuya makes Ryo blush.

Jun 05, 2008 01:16

Title: 3 out of 5 times Tatsuya makes Ryo blush. 
Author: hanny2luv

Pairing:  Ryoda

Genre: Fluff, crack

Summary: 3 times Tat-chan manage to make Ryo blush.

Disclaimer: I wish they are mine. *sigh*

Author’s Note: I want to write for the Tatsuya-thon and this one catch my eyes but i only manage to make only 3. Thanks to Dephi for helping me out and also thanks to
miyukaii for beta-ing my fic.


“Could you please tell me again what had happen? How the hell did I get here? The last thing I remember was drinking with Jin and talking about our next single. Ok, maybe I did drink a few shots of liquor but how did I end up here?” Ueda asks while holding his pounding head.

Ryo just shrugged while smirking at Ueda.

“What are you smirking at? I think I’m entitled to know what had happened since it involves the two of us. And I really want to know how I managed to be here, in your apartment.” Ueda says, irritated with Ryo and his sexy smirking face.

“What’s there to tell? Obviously we were both drunk and in need to get laid, so things happened. Besides, I know that no one can resist a sexy thing like me but I never knew you want me too. Now I know that deep inside your heart, you desire me and this clearly proves it.” Ryo says to Ueda with his own logic.

“Excuse me, but could you please stop trying to make me throw up with your conceited thoughts? I really don’t need that. My head is already pounding like crazy.” Ueda threw his sarcastic remarks towards Ryo. Ryo is speechless and looked a bit startled because Ueda never managed to have the last word when they’re arguing.

Ryo glance at his sideway. What he saw made him blush. He didn’t know whether it is because of the hangover or if he is still drunk from yesterday but he found the boxer very attractive. Just sitting on the bed, naked, by Ryo’s side with his cheeks flush red, Ueda really looks like a bride on a wedding night. Ryo thinks that Ueda is really beautiful at that moment, and his heart is beating crazily.

“What are you looking at? Why don’t you just pass me my boxers instead of staring at me.  And also don’t forget the rest of my clothes. It’s a good thing that today is my day off, if not, my manager will be surely screaming at me on the phone right now.” Ueda says, searching and putting on his clothes.

While Ueda is getting dressed and ready to go back to his apartment, Ryo can’t help but keep on staring at him. He finds himself admiring the beauty in front of him.

“Well, I’ll be going now. See you tomorrow. Ja.” Ueda says his goodbye and walking out of the room. Before he is completely disappears, Ryo hears Ueda says, “Urgh, my back is killing me.” And Ryo can’t help but blush for the second time at the deeper meaning of the sentence.


KAT - TUN just finished their photo shoot for the next issue of a magazine. Since the theme is the inner feminine in them, let’s just say that Ueda Tatsuya looks absolutely gorgeous in his outfit. Jin is squealing the entire time about how pretty Ueda look, much to Ueda’s annoyance. Finally, the usually calm and collected Ueda glared angrily at Jin, making him shut up. They all know that an angry Ueda Tatsuya is a scary Ueda Tatsuya. But that doesn’t stop Jin from whispering to Kame about how beautiful their Tat-chan looks and how they should propose to their manager to make Ueda wear that kind of outfit in their next concert. Kame just looks weirdly at Jin, thinking that Jin will be a dead man if Ueda hears what Jin is suggesting.

“Jin, what are you doing here?” Suddenly, they both heard Yamapi’s voice. Looking at the entrance, Yamapi is walking towards them.

“We have photo shoot here but we’re finish now. What are YOU doing here?” Jin asks, clearly surprised to see his best friend.

“NewS has a photo shoot here too. What are the odds for us to meet here?” Yamapi says, smiling his rare smile that he reserves for family and close friends, to Jin and Kame. “Wow, who is that girl? She’s hot.” Yamapi as Jin, gesturing towards Ueda’s direction.

“Shh..don’t talk too loud. You might be sent to an early death if Tat-chan hears you say that.” Jin says, shushing Yamapi.

“That’s because you annoyed him earlier. Now he is in a bad mood. You better make him feel better, Jin, before we go home.” Kame warns Jin.

“That is Tat-chan? Wow, he is so hot in that outfit. Wait till Ryo-chan sees him.” Yamapi says, smirking evilly.

Jin looks quizzically at Yamapi while Kame has thoughtful looks.

“Why? What does Ryo-chan have to do with Tat-chan looking beautiful?” Jin asks. Yamapi just looks at Jin and then bursts out laughing.

“Pi, tell me? I wanna know. And don’t start laughing without any good reason.” Jin pouts at his best friend.

“It’s nothing, really. I just remember that Ryo-chan always complaining about how ugly Tat-chan is and how his fashion sense is a disaster but look at Tat-chan now, he’s so hot. Besides, I think Ryo-chan actually has a crush on Tat-chan.” Explain Yamapi.

Kame just nodded his head, as if agreeing with Yamapi while Jin’s eyes went wide with realization.

Suddenly, the rest of NewS member come in the studio. At first they did not notice that the member of KAT TUN is in the same room but until they see their leader is talking to Jin and Kame.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Ryo asks Jin as he walks towards Jin, Kame and Yamapi

“We’ve just finish our photo shooting and just getting ready to go back to the Jimusho. And Pi already told me that you guys also have photo shooting here, right.” Jin told Ryo. Ryo just nods.

“Guys, hurry up. We’re going to be late if you guys keep on chit chatting.” Ueda yells from where he is standing to his friends. All heads turn towards the voice. The NewS members except Yamapi are quite shock to find out the person they thought a hot girl is actually the U of KAT TUN. Ryo jaw drops when he realizes the girl he checked out earlier when he was walking towards his friends is Ueda Tatsuya. The rest of the KAT - TUN’s immediately begin to pack all of their things at the tone of Ueda’s voices. They know that Ueda is still annoyed and all of them glared at Jin because it was all Jin’s fault.

“You, what are you wearing? Are you trying to change your gender now?” Ryo asks Ueda, trying to hide his shock. Ueda just glared at Ryo, he is still annoyed and Ryo’s remarks clearly don’t help his mood. Suddenly, a wicked thought enter his mind.

“Why Nishikido, didn’t you think I’m hot in this? Jin certainly said that I’m pretty today. And I think this outfit suits me. Don’t you find me irresistible?” Ueda asks before twirling around making him look hotter and let’s just say that actually he manage  to make some of the staffs and some of the members of the two band go hard including Ryo. Ryo just blushed when he hears what Ueda said because he clearly can’t denied the fact that Ueda Tatsuya is absolutely hot in the outfit he’s wearing.

Ueda just smirks when he sees the red tint on Ryo’s cheek. “Come on guys, we’re going to be late for our rehearsal if we keep on stalling here. Let’s go back to the Jimusho.” Ueda says to his band mates. The rest of KAT - TUN immediately took all their stuff and walk out of the studio. Ueda is the last to leave. When he arrives at the door, he stops and turns his head around. Then, he smirks sexily at Ryo, making Ryo blush all over again.


Today is very tiring for Ueda Tatsuya. Since early in the morning, KAT TUN has a lot of photo shooting and then they also have to perform their new single on Music Station. Now, they’re back at the Jimusho to learn their new dance routine. Fortunately, they’re on their one hour break. Kame, Jin and Taguchi are already gone to have their dinner. Koki and Nakamaru are nowhere to be found. While Ueda decided to stay at their dressing room to take a much needed sleep since he’s only been sleeping for 2 hours for the week. As he put down his head on the couch, his mind immediately shut off and he’s already in the dreamland.

After a few moments, the door of the KAT TUN‘s dressing room crack open and then walk in the sexy Osaka man. Actually he was looking for Jin but seeing Ueda sleeping peacefully on the couch made him forget about his real intention of coming to the KAT TUN’s room.

At first, he just wants to disturb Ueda’s sleep but after seeing Ueda’s angelic face, suddenly he has an urge to kiss the beautiful man. He tried to fight it, but that lustful parting lip of Ueda is just too irresistible for Ryo to ignore. Without thinking, Ryo lean down towards Ueda and kiss him. What surprises him is that Ueda actually respond to the kiss. When he breaks the kiss, he sees that the angel in front of him is still sleeping but this time with a small smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Hmm, you taste so sweet, Ryo.” Ryo is quite shocked hearing that soft words from the sleeping Ueda. A small blush appears on his cheek. It’s not because of the words that Ueda utter that make him blush, but the way the older man says his name with such affection make his heart doki doki and his face go red. Beside, he knows if the boxer is awake now, Ueda will never call him Ryo. He is always Nishikido to Ueda. Only when Ueda’s sleep, Nishikido becomes Ryo and only in Ryo’s dream, Ueda is Ryo’s.

#t-thon, fanfic : ryoda

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