When Life Turns Upside Down for a Day

Apr 01, 2010 23:15

Title: When Life Turns Upsaide Down for a Day
Part: Two
Author: hanny2luv and allboutp 
Pairing: Ryoda
Genre: Crack, Fluff
Summary: A Bet + A Contract = Unlikely Love Story
Disclaimer: I could only wish that they're mine. *sigh*
Beta by: allboutp

Dozou.... )

#collab-fic, fanfic : ryoda

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Comments 32

dayenniez April 1 2010, 15:30:04 UTC
hahaha~ Tatsuya's very smart ne??

"Suddenly Ryo felt as if he had signing a contract with a devil with an angel face." I love this sentence. XD


hanny2luv April 1 2010, 15:44:46 UTC
Yup, he is. More like devious, i think. Hehe. ^^

Well, to me Tat-chan does has an angel face. Cos his smile is so beautiful. Muahahaha.

Thanks for reading and commenting. (^_^)


twentyeytako April 1 2010, 15:36:06 UTC
woot woot! i'll patiently wait for the next one!

finally, a fic from you. i miss you so much! <3


hanny2luv April 1 2010, 15:47:17 UTC
Hehe, well you have to ask Lissa for the next one because it's her turn. ^^

Yup, finally ne. :P

I miss u too. (^_*)

Thanks for reading and commenting.


twentyeytako April 1 2010, 16:05:23 UTC
hai hai! i'll definitely wait!

it's been ages since i've read fics from the two of you. i'm happy ur having a collab! :)



hanny2luv April 2 2010, 01:22:24 UTC
Yeah, RL is taking too much of my time.
I miss writing and reading fic too. Huhu.

I'll try my best, ne. (^_^)


raixas April 1 2010, 15:45:22 UTC
Whoa~ fast update! Min likes! XDD
Tat-chan is sooooo smart n sly~ ganbarre Ryo~


hanny2luv April 1 2010, 15:50:52 UTC
Well, Tat-chan need to be devious once in a while, ne.

Miss u, Min-chan.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


indira22 April 1 2010, 15:49:50 UTC
smart Hime on the move...
okay,what inside the contract??
the next chap will be interesting..cant wait!!


hanny2luv April 1 2010, 15:54:48 UTC
To know the content of the contract, u need to read until the end. Just wait, ne. The next part will be done by allboutp. ^^

Thank you for reading and commenting.


mklia April 1 2010, 16:06:14 UTC
ooh, oooh, its always interesting whenever Ueda has the upperhand... :D

thanks for posting this before i leave for KL..
See you on Saturday. :D



hanny2luv April 1 2010, 16:11:18 UTC
Yup, me like it too. hehe.

Yeah, can't wait to see u. ^^

Thanks for reading and commenting. (^_^)


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