All He Wants for Christmas is his One Front Tooth

Nov 14, 2012 14:13

Evan lost a tooth today. This was his third one. I wrote about the first one, and I was trying to remember how he lost the second one, and I can't even remember. Isn't that sad? Go, me!

He showed me his loose tooth earlier this week. He's been having a hard time eating b/c it hurts. It was one of his top front teeth. I felt of it on Monday, and it was WAY loose. It seemed ready to come out, but his ride was about to show up for school, so I restrained myself. I forgot about it yesterday, and then this morning I woke up thinking about it and how if I just pushed it backwards, it would probably come out.

So Evan got dressed for school. We came downstairs, sat on the couch, and I helped him with his shoes. Then, I told him to come sit close to me, so I could feel his tooth. I had already decided that I was pulling it out. I pushed back on it, and he cried out b/c it hurt. He pulled away from me, and I told him to come back, and I tried again. Same thing except it kinda started to bleed. I was like, "yes! It's going to come out!" So I pulled him over into my lap, held him down, and pulled that sucker out! My poor child is screaming and crying, and I'm just like, "TOOOOOOTH! YEEEAAAH!" haha

It bled A LOT this time. And it didn't help that he was crying which meant lots of slobbering which meant the blood was really drippy. Luckily, I was able to get it out of his clothes with some cold water. I had him hold a tissue up there for awhile. He freaked out a lot. The kid hates blood. HATES it. When it finally started to not bleed as much, he looked in the mirror, and yelled, "I LOOK LIKE A DORK!!" Then, he ran into the laundry room and shut the door to cry. *sigh* I told him to get out of there, and he didn't look like a dork. He looked cute. I showed him a picture of me when I lost my tooth, and I was wearing a 1st grade shirt, so I told him how cool it was that he lost his front tooth in Kindergarten when I had to wait until 1st grade. He didn't buy it. He went and hid in the pantry, instead.

I told him to get out of there, and I made him hold up his tooth, so I could take a picture. I got these gems.

I told him to smile, and this was the best he could do. Poor guy. haha

He calmed down enough to eat breakfast. At this point, I texted his ride to tell him that I would take him to school b/c he wasn't ready to go, and she would be there soon. She sent him some encouraging messages, and it may have helped a bit b/c someone else telling you you're cool is better than your mom telling you you're cool. He brushed his teeth, and I guess he checked himself out in the mirror and decided he wasn't a dork b/c he came down happy, and I finally got some good smiling pictures of ole snaggletooth.

This was my favorite.

So there ya go, my first official teeth-pulling experience. (That I can remember, anyway.) And Evan decided after much dramatics and crying that maybe Mom pulling teeth isn't so bad. I asked him in the car if he felt better about it, and he said, "Yeah, but it really hurt when you pulled it." I imagine he'll eventually stop coming to me with loose teeth just like I did with my Dad when I was little. If I showed him my loose tooth, it was coming out right then. And I never thought I would be like that, but here I am... holding my kid down while he's screaming, pulling teeth, and smiling the whole time.

Being a parent is weird sometimes.

ADDENDUM: Evan has now arrived home from school, and when I asked him about what people said about his tooth, he was all smiles and very excited. Everybody thought his missing tooth was cool, and he didn't even mention the pain this time. :)

losing teeth, being a mom, memories, pictures, evan, teeth, milestones

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