Backstory/ Profile

Oct 30, 2006 22:03

Character Application for 6th Year Hufflepuff (and future Death Eater?) Hanna! Will snog anyone, likes to play games. You don't want to pass up backstory for this girl! ;)

unafraid of toil... )

profile, ooc, backstory

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Comments 37

iseult_osull October 30 2006, 22:24:31 UTC
Another evil Hufflepuff!!! yay?

tyra_jaregski - Barely anything, but she's looking for some friends so she might just look for a friend in Hannah.

matt_drozd - Enemies sort of. Matt's trying to persuade Kamil away from Voldemort and Hannah's for him so rivals.

kamil_d - Ok, since Hannah is a 6th year Pure Hufflepuff DE and Rae Burton is a 6th year Half Slytherin DE I'm guessing they'd be friends to some extent which would mean that Hannah could probably help Rae accomplish bringing Kamil over to Voldemort because at the end of the year he signs the contract thingy for FUKD.

iseult_osull - I don't really think there'd be anything as Iseult's older and a former Slytherin.

Does any of that sound good?


hannakens October 30 2006, 22:52:42 UTC
Tyra - Hanna would never willingly offer the girl friendship. She'd be pleasant when in the girl's company, trying to get on everyone's good side, but she'd draw the line at that. She'd start making up excuses after a bit for not being around. She's evil, what can I say?

Matt - she'd likely hate Matt, find him annoying, but she'd pretend as though she has no idea what he dislikes her for.

Kamil - she's not yet in FUKD herself, but we'll see how that goes.

Iseult - Unlikely, but I'll keep it in mind!


ellielynwulff October 30 2006, 22:25:27 UTC
Will snog anyone, likes to play games. You don't want to pass up backstory for this girl! ;)I feel like you're trying to sell me a car, Ferin. ♥ XD ( ... )


hannakens October 30 2006, 22:47:02 UTC


adriana_winters October 30 2006, 22:53:37 UTC
You amaze me, Fer. Tenth character? *bows down before your greatness*

Alright, anywho :P. Let's see...

I don't think there is much with Adriana. Hanna may be VERY similar to her but the fact that she's a Hufflepuff will turn Adriana away from giving her a second look. So.... I can't think of anything but I'm up for anything!

Then there is Lexi lexi_winchester, same year and a Gryff. They will have Astronomy together and just being the same age I'm sure they have crossed paths at some point over the years. Lexi would automatically be nice to Hanna and not think for a second that she could pose any kind of threat.


hannakens October 30 2006, 22:56:45 UTC
Don't bow down, worry for me. Seriously, it's a wonder I'm still breathing. ANYWHO!

Adriana - I'm sure the two will meet up at some point. I mean, they run in the same inner pureblood circles and such and they're bound to both be looking for a snog, right? lmao. They might not know much of each other now, but I'm sure we could work something out eventually.

Lexi - oh poor girl! Hanna will of course be kind, as always, but secretly find Lexi boring. :\ She's a skank, my Hanna. Sad thing, really!


adriana_winters October 30 2006, 23:00:38 UTC
Lmao. Well I am GLAD YOU ARE! :D

Yeah, I suppose it depends how much Adriana knows about Hanna's OTHER side, being the pureblood elitist one. And yes, they are extremely similar in their flirting escapades, so I'm sure they could meet up somehow. Like if she ever went after one of her friends or potential snog boys... Adriana would most definitely go - OMGWTFIKEELYOUBITCH! XD

Sounds good with Lexi! She'd be typically kind to her as she does pretty much everyone, lol.


avis_abernathy October 30 2006, 23:02:45 UTC

Okay, so. . .you know mine. . .

Avis would hate her and wouldn't even know her, since she is a Puff and pretty and blonde. She hates that.

Frogley. Dude. They probably SO hooked up or something. Um, he would worship her, if only for snog sessions.

DUDE WOULD SHE TRY TO HIT ON HARGY?!! Because Hargy would get SO creeped out and avoid her at all costs. Especially since I reckon they'd know eachother from pureblood DE circles and stuff?


ohsweetmerlin October 30 2006, 23:06:41 UTC
Um, Mad... I love you, kthnx! Yeah, I despise her myself - so that should tell you something!

Avis - Hanna wouldn't even BOTHER to try and convince Avis she wasn't an evil tart. She'd just let the girl think it and laugh it off, knowing full well it's true. She doesn't think anyone would believe Avis anyway, since Avis does hate blonde puffy types without real reason, right?

Troy - um, they've hooked up. I can definitely see that. And I wouldn't be surprised if there was more snog sessions in the future for them! Let them eat cake! So to speak...

Hargreaves - Oh yeah, she'd hit on Hargreaves. Only a year younger, pureblooded, and good looking. But she'd not be full on flirty with him, she'd consider him a challenge and try to gain his friendship first. Watch out, Hargy.




avis_abernathy October 30 2006, 23:19:08 UTC
HAHAH Yeah, Avis pretty much would just be fueled on jealousy. Probably just sashay past her in the halls. Meh.

DUDE. YES. TROY. NEEDS. SNOGS. He's trying to get them from everyone.

HAHAHAH oh poor Hargy. He's like the victim of the school. Even IVAN made fun of him. (That tells you something, SIRIUSLY. Wtf?) And I have to start playing him more, so yeah, he'd be friends (real friends, as he's only good friends with Death Eater sympathizers) with her UNLESS she tries to hit on him. I dunno, maybe future? Then he'd get all squirmy. DUDE, maybe even his dad Richard (meh, I don't play him much) tries to encourage Hargy to get to know her better, "good match" and all that stuff. . .??
Yes. Hargy awkward. VERY awkward.


ohsweetmerlin October 30 2006, 23:23:48 UTC
It is agreed then! TROY SNOGGAGE!

I could see that happening. "Oh, she's a good match, ask her what her prospects are" and what not. Hanna would willingly admit to Hargy she wants to be a death eater, and would probably also let him know that she wasn't one for relationships.

And then she'd become impatient and snog him out of the blue. *cackles*

Oh, and by the way? Avis + Erik = squeee!


getaway_machine October 31 2006, 02:28:04 UTC
I want to let Darin snog her (because he so would) and he will HATE HIMSELF in my head where he has ooc knowledge. ::flails::

In any case, I think Darin would adore her, as he adores all Puffs.

Perhaps she and Kiley would get on pretty well, too?

I'm... not sure what Jonathan would think of her. Probably be horribly annoyed by her, really.

Anthony... would respect her family and Pureblooded lineage; I'm not sure what he would think of the way she treats mudbloods and such, but considering the face he puts on to the world it wouldn't be an automatic bad thing... in any case, he'd be friendly enough to her if they ran into each other.


erikcohen October 31 2006, 03:14:50 UTC
Hanna would snog Darin, and she'd probably be amused to know he was beating himself up over it. But he won't be, because she's just EBIL like that. XD U think it will be fun, actually.

Erm... she'd probably get along with Kiley, yeah. I think Wes isn't a fan of Hanna's? But Hanna's like Preston in some sense, her games and whatnot, and I think she'd go along with being nice to Kiley without too much trouble. Might actually like her! I dunno, we'd have to see.

Jonathan she'd think of as an acquiantance, not a potential snog. I don't think there would be any real hatred or anything, but probably a mutual disinterest?

And Anthony... puts on a face too! So perhaps they've got some weird little things in commoin and would get alone. Another "wait and see" I think. XD


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