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Comments 55

superkupos November 15 2004, 04:20:51 UTC
Hi there! I found you through some Lost community and fell positively in love with your icon. Seriously. I want to marry it. But that aside, I followed said love interest to your journal and found that not only do you have a J/K background on your journal *SQUEE*, but you seem really cool too, and we have some stuff in common (Lost, J/K, Final Fantasy, various men from LotR) so I added you and if you want to add me back, yay! and if not, that's fine too :)


hannahstarr November 15 2004, 21:29:11 UTC
Cool! Jack/Kate fans are always friends of mine. :D
I added you. :D


hannahrorlove December 5 2004, 19:05:36 UTC
Hello. I noticed you on a "Lost" community and, being intrugued because we have the same name, went off to look at your journal. We've got similar interests, especially in books, music, music, and TV - finally someone else who likes "Last Comic Standing" - and I think I would like talking to you a great deal.


hannahstarr December 5 2004, 19:33:11 UTC
Anyone named Hannah is cool. Welcome to my journal! :D


xlizx December 6 2004, 00:55:12 UTC
Hello, Hannah Banana! Thought i'd say "Haldo". so...Haldo! Pretty Journal! oOooOooOooooOooo FFVIII = My fav! YAY! But anyway...i have a quiestion for thou. How dost thou change the little "post comment" thing to say different things...Like...yours says somthing about Angles Wings and all that fun stuff...i want to change mine >< Teach me oh great master!


hannahstarr December 6 2004, 01:18:23 UTC
Weee, howdy! :D

Okay, first you have to change your LJ style to S1 if you haven't already (you can do that here). Next, go to this iste, click on "Output," and then click on "View/Post comments text modifier." Just follow the instructions on that page. Hope that helps. There are others ways to do it too (like editing actual LJ codes), but this is the easiest way. :D

(I added you to my f-list, BTW)


eurothrashed December 12 2004, 17:35:18 UTC
1. Things in common - Check.
2. Update Lj lots - Check.
3. No cyber lingo - Double check.

Be warned, you have been friended. ^_~


hannahstarr December 12 2004, 17:59:02 UTC
*hides in terror* lol. ;-p


ms_chang December 23 2004, 03:46:31 UTC
Hello! You replied to something I posted in lost_tv, so I thought I'd check out your journal. We have a few things in common (like LOST of course), although you may not notice it because I don't have all of my interest up, but I do have to say that you're one of the only people I "know" who likes Big Brother, so you're definately cool on my list!
You have been added!


hannahstarr December 23 2004, 17:16:10 UTC
w00t! Awesome! I added you. :D


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