Observing - Chapter1

Sep 11, 2012 18:27

Author : AsakuraHannah
Genre: Drama Romance AU
Rating: T
Pairing: (mainly) Hong Kong x Iceland, DenNor
(Names from wikia) : Denmark (Mikkel), Norway (Lukas), Iceland (Emil), Hong Kong (Xiao)
Thanks for my friend who had beta-read this fic. :)
Summary: Realizing Lukas got his boyfriend, Emil got depressed. He was failed to notice someone who's been watching him from nearby when his mind was too preoccupied with Lukas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Power Hetalia, but this fanfiction is mine and mine only! xD This is just an Alternate Universe fanfiction.. Anything related to the real life, person's name, and world history has nothing to do with this fanfiction… There are no affiliations to actual countries, military, and such. There is absolutely no intent to slander the reputations or rights of those above.

Chapter 1: Prologue

Emil looked over to the telephone which was ringing not far from where he sat. He groaned at it, blaming it for not letting him have a peaceful time. He knew the person who was calling him at this late hour. He got up from the sofa lazily to pick up the phone that was ringing nonstop.

"Hello..." Emil groaned when he heard his older brother's voice on the other line.

"What now? It's almost midnight here and I was about to get some rest!" Emil messaged his temples as he let out another groaning: not hiding his annoyed tone at all. He could hear his brother hissing at him.

Lukas noticed another costumer walk into the café where he was working as a part-time job. He hissed at his younger sibling who was annoying him on the phone. Well, who could blame him, it was almost midnight after all, and he was sure that Iceland had already headed to his room when the phone rang. But he couldn't just leave things as they were. As usual: his stupid boyfriend apparently loved to make things harder to handle. When he can't go pick up his drunken boyfriend to bring to his or their home, it was Iceland who always did it for him. Like tonight, when everything at work is very busy. And he couldn't leave at the very moment since he was still waiting for his friend to cover him. And the so called friend is late. God knows how many times he had cursed his friend for being careless.

"You know I can't get out from the cafe right now since I got night shift this week. SO, can you please pick up that idiot in the pub? I will text you the place and roads name to your mobile. Yes, I know Emil, again. I owe you, so, please? Yea, just bring him to our house. Thanks." Lukas hangs up when the costumer called him. He quickly rushed to the cashier when he noticed there are a few lines already. He mentally cursed his friend again, not counting of how many times he had done it this night.

Emil gave a sighed when he walked out of his car and slammed the door shut. As he walked inside the pub, he looked around to found a familiar Danish man. After a few steps inside, he noticed him hunched over the bar. He shook his head and walked over him, nudging Mikkel.

"Hey! Wake up already. Let's go home!" Emil pulled his arms when the large man stirred awake. The blonde hair man looked up with a questioning look, obviously annoyed that someone disturbing him. His facial expressions change when he noticed who was standing beside him. His face lightened up and he pulled his boyfriend's brother toward him.

"Emil! Good to see you here! Wanna have some drink?" Emil cringed when he was pulled closer to the Danish. He could smell the alcohol from his breath, which was awful. He tried to resist him especially when he noticed that the bartender in front of him was staring with an annoyed look. Emil shifted his gaze somewhere else other than the two; he knew by the look of it that Mikkel and he had to get out from the pub as soon as possible. Half dragging the drunken Mikkel, Emil tumbled on his feet when he felt the weight of the taller man.

"Come on, Dan. We need to bring you home soon or Lukas will kill me." Emil ignored his protest and swung his arm on his shoulder, trying to make his balance between Mikkel and himself. The waitress not far from the door looked relieved when she saw them going to go home. Iceland muttered a thanks to her when she opened the door and get out from the uncomfortable situations.

Much to his relief, Mikkel did not resist as much as he usually did. Emil knew that there must be something wrong between him and Lukas that made him drunk. Mikkel sure loved to drink a lot, but the man sometimes knew his limit. It was only recently that Mikkel drank this heavily. Emil knew he rarely drank this much before; it's gotten worse in these past few weeks.

Emil pulled the car door open and shoved Mikkel onto the front seat. Once he was sure that the belt was buckled up, he closed the door and walked toward the driver seat. Emil breathed a sigh of relief once he closed the door. A moment of silence passed through them and Emil really thought his brother's boyfriend had gone to sleep. He looked beside him to find that Mikkel was staring off into space: obviously thinking about something.

"What happened to you and Lukas this time?" Emil asked as he turned on his car. Making sure the door was locked; Emil opened the car's window to look behind so he could get out from the parking lot safely. When he received no answer, Emil looked to the blond man again with and frowned. Those blue eyes slowly turned to look at him their eyes met for a moment before Mikkel gave a hard sigh.

"I don't know..." That answer only made Emil arch his eyebrows in annoyance. He didn't mind being the one Mikkel spilled his frustrations to; after all he had done it a few times when Emil got to take him home. Emil shook his head, the Danish decided to hide something from him now? That's odd. He used to have a big mouth and could never stop talking.

Deciding its time for them to ride home, Emil started to drive within the odd silence. He didn't even bother to turn on the radio to break it.

Emil turned on the light of the room before he looked behind him to watch the man as he walked up the small stairs in front of the house. Emil quickly moved to helped him when he noticed Mikkel's feet accidentally slipped between two steps. After struggling to make him get inside, he finally decided that letting him sleep upstairs was not a very good idea after all. He told the Mikkel to wait on the couch by the fireplace while he brought blankets and a pillow for him to sleep on. Mikkel only grunted; as if not caring what Emil decided, as he tried to make himself comfortable on the couch that Emil had told him to sit on.

As he walked downstairs with blankets and pillow in both of his hands, Emil heard a few noises from the front house. He noticed the voice of his brother who had parked his motorcycle not far from their car. After rolling his eyes at how carefree his brother was, Emil walked over to Mikkel who had fallen asleep on the couch. Stopping in front of him, the silver haired guy slowly covered him with blankets putting the pillow underneath his head. He noticed his brother had already arrived inside the house and was standing nearby the entrance of the room watching them.

"Got home already?" Emil slowly turned around to look at Lukas who was leaning against the door frame.

"Yes. He asleep?" Lukas eyes shifted to Mikkel who was lying on the couch.

"Yea..." Emil nodded and walked toward him. He stopped when Lukas raised his hand, blocking Emil from walking past him. Their eyes met for a moment before Lukas gave a small smile.

"Do you love him, Emil?" Emil's eyebrows rose until they were hidden behind his bangs, puzzled by the question his older gave him.

"No." He said almost immediately but Lukas chuckled at him, slowly raising his hand to touch Emil's cheek softly.

"You don't have to lie to me, Emil. I can see how much you care for him." Emil batted his hand away from caressing his cheek, glaring at his brother. He could felt his cheek heat up only by the small touch. Upon seeing his reaction, Lukas's smiled wider at him and turned to pat his head instead.

"Then, why are you blushing?" Lukas asked, daring him to answer. Emil bit his lip and quickly turned around to run up to his room and slammed the door shut. He missed the look on Lukas's eyes which were saddened by his reaction. Looking at the Dane who was rousing from the couch, he gave a small smirk.

"You were pretending to be asleep..." Lukas crossed his arms as he said the statement.

"Don't tease him too much, Luke." Mikkel scrathed his head as he looked at him. Lukas rolled his eyes while he walked toward him and sat down on the couch. He eyes turned serious when he looked at him in the eyes. Lukas brought his hands up to cup Mikkel's cheek and stared deeply into those blue orbs. Mikkel; who was still tipsy, stared at him with half opened eyes, blinked as he fought back his sleepiness.

"I love you, Lukas." Mikkel whispered and leaned his forehead against Lukas's shoulder. Norway slowly wrapped his hands around Mikkel's nape and kissed his ear gently.

"I know... I'm sorry for doubting you with Emil. But I think he needs someone he could love other than you. Next time I will be the one who take you home from the pub." Lukas whispered back at him, tangling his hand on his hair softly. Mikkel slowly looked up at him before leaning down to kiss him on the lips. He was glad the Norwegian guy responded immediately, even though he still tasted like beer.

Emil closed his eyes as he covered his ears at the sentences Lukas just said. He had tangled himself inside his blankets in his room and had never turned on the light after he locked his door shut. He could felt his cheek still lingered at the feeling of Lukas's soft touch. Lukas had made a mistakes on discovering his feelings, he did not know if he should be glad or not about it. The way he looked at him in the eyes, the way he patted his head, the way he touched him... it was all brotherly love. Nothing more than that! Emil shook his head and he bit his already bleeding lips, but he barely felt the pain as he pressed his forehead against the pillow as hard as he could. He wasn't sure of what to do about his beating heartbeat. His brother's slightest touch raised such feelings as to drive him crazy!. These feelings... he shouldn't have them in the first place. It was so wrong... to fall in love with your own brother.

"But I love him..." he whispered softly in the middle of silence. He slid his hand under the covers to his pillow and found a picture of Lukas. Bring the photo to his chest, Emil turned to his side and fall asleep.


A/N : :D Another story. Hong Kong's name, I found it in wikia and that's from his Cantonese name as Li Xiao Chun :3 So I use that one. ^^ He'll appear in the next chp ;D

observing, hetalia, my fanfictions

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