Title: The Old Building 6/?
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Gwen
Summary: “he felt a soft caress on his face and a voice whispering Ianto.”
Spoilers: "Exit Wounds" and a teeny one for “Countrycide”
Disclaimer: I don't own them… But a girl can want, right?
A/N: Totally un-Betaed, so all mistakes are mine.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter
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Comments 6
You have no worries, sweetie! Great chapter!
Now Ianto's REALLY got problems - first Mary throws herself at him and kisses him (OK, can't blame her for that, I'm sure I'd do the same!), now she's convinced he wants to marry her! Jack's only got 2 days to save him from a fate he doesn't want. Gulp! Roll on chapter 7! Think I'll just go see if it's up yet...
Chapter 7 will get written when it gets written - I'll be around to read whenever, 'cos I'm enjoying it immensely! Don't get on the net in the evenings though - mostly just over breakfast and lunch - which is why I usually comment in the mornings, before my brain is fully awake =D
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