Title: The Old Building 5/?
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Gwen
Summary: “he felt a soft caress on his face and a voice whispering Ianto.”
Spoilers: "Exit Wounds" and a teeny one for “Countrycide”
Disclaimer: I don't own them… But a girl can want, right?
A/N: Totally un-Betaed, so all mistakes are mine.
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Comments 10
Can't wait for the next part.
Poor Jack losing his Ianto. I hope they find a way to get him home soon!!
Great update!!!
Mary has me a bit worried (her brothers too, of course) coming across all sweet and innocent, but she's mesmerising Ianto in a rather unnatural way - although I suppose that could at least partly due to the concussion.
Weird house, at least in Jack and Gwen's time - sort of reminds me of one of those fairground funhouses, or your typical haunted horror building where rooms move around and you can wander for hours, never going in the same room twice! In short, creepy!
I love the fact you're making it all up as you go along! Makes it even more fun - so looking forward to whatever you come up with next, but I do hope Jack and Gwen will find Ianto before he does anything silly! Or maybe I don't... *G* Heeee! *bounces happily off to get breakfast*
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