Title: Together as One
Characters: KAT-TUN
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, humour
Summary: KAT-TUN were preparing themselves for the next photo shoot in their dressing room, all busy making last touches. T-TUN finally found out the secret Jin and Kame had kept for awhile now.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. I'm still upset now but I feel
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Comments 43
Haha, you can't control the temptation, right? But hopefully you'll get better grades, kay? ^^ Regarding that fic, it's only the first chapter, written two days before the hiatus thingy. Sigh, if you scan through, or read the last paragraph, you'll know why i don't feel like continuing. Coz that has something to do with Jin being hiatus as well, sort of.
But with all the readers' support, I'll pick myself up to continue the story. Right now, I think it's not the right time. But I will not give up half-way. Sankyu! You made me feel better now. ^^
Oh~ So that's what is was about... I just knew it was angst but yeah, I don't think I could read it for a little while. But I will eventually get over it and when I do I want to read tons of Akame fics so I can imagine Jin and not forget him! And wow, you had like a foresight into the future, ne?
But I'm glad you are planning on finishing it eventually... But it is probably hardest for you to write right now, ne? *Hugs*
And as for your chaptered fic, do what you feel comfortable with, ne? If it's hard for you yourself to write about it, then don't feel like you're obligated to. *hugs*
Most probably I won't continue it now coz .. you know, the Jin hiatus. But yeah, I would continue when the time comes. For now, I think I'll juz write fluff fics. ^-^ *hugs back*
“We’re KAT-TUN! Forever and always be together! Right?” Jin shouted.
“Yes! KAT-TUN!” they all said together.
It almost made me cry when I read that part. I would've been crying and smiling at the same time too though because this... this is how I want it to be. Overall, I'm just trying to say that this fic of yours has made me really happy. With everything going on, I just need something like this to cheer me up. And it worked. Your magic worked haha. :) Sorry about this post. It sounds really lame and cheezy, but its how I really feel.
You are teh awesome. ♥
Yup, that one part is very touching. To be able to make everyone smile and cry at the same time is a great feeling. For now, I will only write fluffs so expect more fluff fics from me, alright?
I'm glad I could make you happy, part of me is still sad over that whole issue but I'm glad he does what he wants to do. Let's all wait together ne for his comeback next year, and that KAT-TUN being as whole again~ *hugs*
I. So adorable. GROUP HUG. \(+_+)/♥
Thanks for writing!
Sankyu for commenting ya!! ^^
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