[fic] Love Stays Strong - Chp 1

Oct 10, 2006 23:37

Title: Love Stays Strong
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: They told him he had an accident, and had been in coma for two weeks. But he couldn't remember the fateful event at all, he didn't know what and how it happened. Kame just couldn't recall the accident but the thing that hurt him the most was Jin had disappeared during the times he needed him the most.
Disclaimer: Sharing Akame love since they're not mine so yeah...

A\N: I wrote another angst piece! Gomen!


Since you been gone
I been hanging around here lately
With my mind messed up
Jumped in my car tried to clear my mind
Didn’t help me

Never once did he thought that this day would come, his nightmare eventually came true. What actually happened, no one knew. He wanted nothing but the truth. But no one seems to have the answer.

I guess I’m all messed up now baby
Soon as I jumped into my ride
Those memories start to play
A song comes on the radio
And there you are baby once again

He tried hard to recall but all that he could remember was waking up in a hospital, scanning for the one important person but he could not, he wasn’t there. Jin wasn’t there with him when he needed him the most.

You lied to me Jin. You said you’d be with me whenever I needed you. And you’d be there. You didn’t keep your promise.

It’s just another sad love song
Racking my brain like crazy
Guess I’m all torn up
Be it fast or slow
It doesn’t let go
Or shake me
And it’s all because of you

He had an accident that was what they told him. He had been in coma for two weeks, surviving the critical moments of his life. Kame was glad that he was alive, still standing healthy today after that stage of memory.

“But why wasn’t Jin there? Why was he not with me?” he questioned himself several times.

And the worst thing is he could not remember the accident, he didn’t know how or what actually happened. When he asked the doctor about his condition, he merely said that there was nothing to worry about. That it is was usual for patients like him to forget certain event that triggers the mind, one part that really wants to forget.

But it hurts, knowing you’ve had an accident and not remembering a thing from it! Though he could remember things that happened before the accident occurred, he had trouble remembering the post events and he know nothing in between.

Why? Why must this happen to me?

Kame even had to recuperate for two weeks alone in the hospital! He had never felt so lonely though his friends and families visited him often.

It wasn’t the same without him, without Jin taking care of me. It isn’t the same.

“I’m really sorry, Kamenashi. But Akanishi had shooting for his upcoming drama in Perth. He would probably be there for two weeks.” That was what the management told him, and he had believed them for a moment, until he realized that something was amidst.

I didn’t know why I believed their words easily, I accepted it the moment they told me that though I was clearly disappointed that Jin couldn’t be with me.

Kame was too weak the moment he had woken up from coma, he had several serious injuries that needed time to heal, and probably that too was the reason he had accepted what the management said about Jin.

He remembered that night.


One week had passed, and Kame was sitting alone in the hospital room, thinking about his boyfriend all the while.

“I wonder how he is doing.” He thought, suddenly noticing a cell phone on his side table, without moments of hesitation, he dialed the number he knew so well.

“Jin, pick it up please. Pick up.” Kame was excited to hear his lover’s voice again after a week of his absence, he couldn’t take the separation anymore, and he had to at least hear his voice even if it was for a minute.

“The number you had dialed is no longer in use.”

Kame stared at the phone, chuckling, thinking that he had just dialed the wrong number, and so he dialed Jin’s number again and again, and again. But he still gets the same response.

The number you had dialed is no longer in use.

“You must be joking! Why the hell Jin would change his number? And I know nothing of that!” he complained, dialing the number again for the last time, hoping it would get through somehow but still it was the same result.

“Why? What does this mean?” he whispered, slumped dejectedly.

Is he avoiding me for some reason?


Since you been gone
I keep thinking about you baby
Gets me all choked up
This heart of mine keeps
Dreaming of you and it’s crazy

They said that Jin had packed his bags and left, just a few days before the accident happened. They said that Jin had left a letter addressing to everyone, to which they had read except him.

“Why, Jin? Why?” Kame whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he read the letter once again.

I don’t understand! It doesn’t make sense!

It had been two months since that fateful accident, and also the period Akanishi Jin had ‘disappeared’.

Of course, Kame had tried looking for him at his house but to his astonishment, the whole family had moved as well, breaking his confidence in searching for his boyfriend. He was crushed.

“How could you do this to me?” he cried himself to sleep.


“KAT-TUN member, Akanishi Jin was put on a break due to an undisclosed matter. The agency refused to tell the actual reason of why that was necessary, they still stayed with their decision though several reporters were persistent to know the truth. How long the break would be are still unknown. KAT-TUN will still continue their individual activities even though without the presence of Akanishi-san. As said by Johnny-san himself, KAT-TUN will still remain as a group and would not be disbanded so fans need not worry. That is all we’ve got, we will come back to you when we have more news.”

Switching off the television, he wiped away the tears that had been there the moment his eye were glued to the news, reporting of his disappearance.

“I’m sorry, Kame. But I had to do this.” He whispered, closing his eyes in pain every time he thought of his beloved lover.

I’ll always love you.


A\N: I used the lyrics of Another Sad Love Song by Toni Braxton to incorporate with the storyline. And yess, an angst story from me after several times of writing fluff! Juz to warn you, there will be lots of angst, and lesser fluff inserted. I don't know whether there will be fluff anytime soon. Hope you liked this chapter and pwease to review? ^-^

love stays strong

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