EVENNT PLANNING and this is late

May 16, 2011 22:00

Hey guys! The next event will require signups so we know who to pair up with who, and this will be left up to you, the players! Yes, for a change we won't subject you to hideous randomizing (as fun as it may be), so go right ahead and comment/plan your parent couples for National Family Week!

I'll let you know who wakes up with the baby Grunty, and it's up to your character to find the other parent and care for the baby. You have a week to take good care of your bouncing baby piglet, and if you do a satisfactory job, there'll be prizes in it for you at the end!

The action log event post will be in the logs community as per usual, so once I give the okay on your couple and let you know who has the Grunty, feel free to jump right in! ♥

event information, !mod post

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