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[Screened to Naoki.] brainiac5ive November 10 2008, 22:45:38 UTC
Naoki, I'm well aware the Legion has done little to confide moral in you, Nightwing or Dani, nor have we done much to help the community at large since our arrival, but killing is not something we do.

Considering the most recent incidents, including what is occurring now, we have little choice other then to remain calm and see what we can do to analyze the problem and develop a solution.

The needs of many out way the needs of the few, as always. However, regarding Lyle, whatever problems you may have, you can count on me to help you. Do you require me to speak with him?


[Screened to Brainy] hands_of_reason November 10 2008, 22:52:22 UTC
...This isn't a moral issue, and just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I'm immoral. This is a 'he's messing with someone I care about' issue, and I'm not putting up with it.

There's no time to remain calm. He's got one of my friends held hostage and he's looking at Lyle now. This is his warning, but if I catch him messing with him again, I'm not going to spare him. I'm not going to leave something that important to chance and hope it all works out.

He's a threat, just know that. I can handle him, but he's no one to turn your back on. It's only out of mercy I'm not getting rid of him now.


Re: [Screened to Naoki] brainiac5ive November 10 2008, 23:14:23 UTC
Then we'll regard him as such and deal with him as a team. The unit will be comprised of You, Myself, and Phantom Girl.

You're free to lead the mission but I insist in involving the rest of the legion in the matter.


[Screened to Brainy] hands_of_reason November 10 2008, 23:15:28 UTC


[Screened to Naoki] brainiac5ive November 10 2008, 23:32:55 UTC
If you wouldn't mind. I'd like a briefing regarding Isamu.


[Screened to Brainy] hands_of_reason November 10 2008, 23:39:29 UTC
I'm not completely sure on what he's capable of, but he's strong enough to hold a demon against her will, so he's no pushover. Looking over the entries he's made, there's always been some sort of static or interference, so he might be able to mess with electronics somehow.

Unfortunately, it's just a bit of speculation. I know he's dangerous. ...I'm just not sure how dangerous.


Re: [Screened to Brainy] brainiac5ive November 10 2008, 23:45:54 UTC
Danger is something the legion deals with every day. I'll take your speculation into consideration. When do you propose we make our move?


[Screened to Brainy] hands_of_reason November 10 2008, 23:51:46 UTC
As soon as possible. He's planning on killing her.


Re: [Screened to Brainy] brainiac5ive November 11 2008, 00:25:49 UTC
Mobilize above the Plaza in ten minutes. I'll notify Phantom Girl.


[Screened to Brainy] hands_of_reason November 11 2008, 00:26:36 UTC
I'll be there.


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