First, Anna's been traveling most of the day, stopping at an exchange or two, and then running out to do some scavenging for useful trade materials.
It didn't go well.
Then it started to rain.
And then on her way to the Wasteland for a drink, she ran into a group of vampires attempting to turn in a werewolf for--being a werewolf. And scavenging
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She smiles innocently. Why yes, her hair is dry in this weather.
Maybe it's Daniel's, but that doesn't matter.
Anna's smile is sweet and ever-so-slightly insincere.
"Though I do appreciate your concern."
"I hear that you have more important things on your mind, though."
She swirls her drink, blood and vodka a slightly diluted blend.
Anna would wonder who's been talking, but--
"I'd suspect almost all of us have more important things to worry about than getting wet."
Her smile has no hint of fang.
"Particularly as, last I heard, even vampires aren't prone to melting in the rain."
"Blah blah blah blah, justice system? Really. Fascinating. You should have been a lawyer."
Tequila, the slightly moist cat, is set down on the table wrapped up in Salah's leather jacket. He shares a cranky kitty look with Anna as if to say 'I understand your pain, you foolish human'.
Ignore the drowned-rat-ness of her appearance.
"I don't think lawyers are supposed to hit their clients. Or the opposition."
She's almost smiling, though.
This probably counts as a win.
"Have you seen what some people are dragging in front of the--do we even call them judges?"
"Hey, Anna," Preston says, slowing in order to look at her a little warily.
Anna looks both startled and slightly more cranky.
"Where have you been?"
Preston jerks a head towards the backpack, left forlorn at the first table by the window.
"Not exactly the same as going through Europe, but you take what you can get."
Anna's focus has been pretty narrow the past couple years.
She still flashes Anna a smile.
"Did you say Justice League? I keep trying to tell that guy at the exchanges that nobody wants his back issues of Batman & Superman."
Anna pauses, looking startled out of her own thoughts.
"Do we have a Justice League? Is that what Preston decided to call the legal system?"
Did everyone else agree?
"Because I think it might be too early for that."
"Oh God. That name never leaves this conversation. Or else he will name it that. Watch him."
Or so Anna fervently hopes.
Because even Gwen's expression here could not save that as a 'real' name.
"Hey, Karla. How's business?"
Strangely she doesn't sound like it's been a good day.
Ah well.
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