Other Notes: Grimmjow is hideously destructive and doesn't give two shits about innocent bystanders. If he figures out someone's messing with his head and gets a general location, he'll go in with the intent to destroy everything in the area.
CHARACTERS Name: Chie Satonaka, Orihime Inoue, Raye Hino, Rialynn Kollmann Species: Human Mental Defenses: None in particular! If stubborness plays a role, then Raye might be a little tougher to wrangle than the others.
YES/NO Thought-reading: YES HE CAN! Illusion-projecting: YES HE CAN! Anything is fine.
Other Notes: I am okay with death as long as it's plotted out first. The only thing I don't like are the really gory deaths, like with intestines and eye-gouging and the like.
Mun Name: Lunnaei Contact: PM to any of my characters: mercury_gaze, fromdarktoself, or this account. AIM is guardianlunnaei (just make sure you let me know who you are or I may not answer), and email is Enigma_Sibling@yahoo.com. Though the last two I can only deal with when I get home from work, I'm horrible and check LJ throughout the day while on the job. =|a;;
YES/NO Thought-reading: Most definitely. Illusion-projecting: Yes, and anything you want. >3 *is a horrible mun*
Other Notes: Mitham remembers Lagato from his last time here, so he'll be very, very careful of the man. Aside from that, nothing of note comes to mind.
CHARACTER Name: Nicci Species: Human Mental Defenses: None...though she'll know when he's in her head. She's had someone able to read her mind and control her body before and has come to be able to recognize when someone is invading her mind. She just doesn't have any way of getting him out.
YES/NO Thought-reading: Yes, and she'll know when he
( ... )
CHARACTER Name: Dana Tan Species: Human Mental Defenses: None whatsoever!
YES/NO Thought-reading: Sure, and she won't even notice~ Illusion-projecting: Please do. If he really wants to trigger her, he should use illusions of Ratboy or Jokerz; the former might be in her surface thoughts, and the latter definitely will be during any encounter with Legato.
Other Notes: Would like to plot out death/near death encounter beforehand, please.
Mun Name: Kat Contact: Plurk, PM, IM (I can ping you, should we decide to use AIM for discussion timez)
CHARACTER Name: Teresa Species: Half Human/Half Yoma hybrid Mental Defenses: Strong enough to keep her more monsterous side from taking control, but probably not as strong to force another presence out of her mind.
YES/NO Thought-reading: Sure! Illusion-projecting: He sure can~
Other Notes: Plotting things beforehand would be best. c:
Comments 9
Contact: AIM: treeofsilence ; Plurk
Name: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Species: Arrancar, which is a hybrid of a Shinigami and a Hollow
Mental Defenses: Nothin' at alllllll~
Thought-reading: Sure.
Illusion-projecting: Yup. Anything's fine.
Other Notes: Grimmjow is hideously destructive and doesn't give two shits about innocent bystanders. If he figures out someone's messing with his head and gets a general location, he'll go in with the intent to destroy everything in the area.
Name: Chie Satonaka, Orihime Inoue, Raye Hino, Rialynn Kollmann
Species: Human
Mental Defenses: None in particular! If stubborness plays a role, then Raye might be a little tougher to wrangle than the others.
Name: Lust
Species: Homunculus
Mental Defenses: None - Unless he's giving her some.
Thought-reading: YES HE CAN!
Illusion-projecting: YES HE CAN! Anything is fine.
Other Notes: I am okay with death as long as it's plotted out first. The only thing I don't like are the really gory deaths, like with intestines and eye-gouging and the like.
Contact: PM to any of my characters: mercury_gaze, fromdarktoself, or this account. AIM is guardianlunnaei (just make sure you let me know who you are or I may not answer), and email is Enigma_Sibling@yahoo.com. Though the last two I can only deal with when I get home from work, I'm horrible and check LJ throughout the day while on the job. =|a;;
Name: Mitham
Species: Completely Human!
Mental Defenses: Absolutely none! !D=
Thought-reading: Most definitely.
Illusion-projecting: Yes, and anything you want. >3 *is a horrible mun*
Other Notes: Mitham remembers Lagato from his last time here, so he'll be very, very careful of the man. Aside from that, nothing of note comes to mind.
Name: Nicci
Species: Human
Mental Defenses: None...though she'll know when he's in her head. She's had someone able to read her mind and control her body before and has come to be able to recognize when someone is invading her mind. She just doesn't have any way of getting him out.
Thought-reading: Yes, and she'll know when he ( ... )
Contact: AIM: ayasugi_san, PM
Name: Dana Tan
Species: Human
Mental Defenses: None whatsoever!
Thought-reading: Sure, and she won't even notice~
Illusion-projecting: Please do. If he really wants to trigger her, he should use illusions of Ratboy or Jokerz; the former might be in her surface thoughts, and the latter definitely will be during any encounter with Legato.
Other Notes: Would like to plot out death/near death encounter beforehand, please.
Contact: Plurk, PM, IM (I can ping you, should we decide to use AIM for discussion timez)
Name: Teresa
Species: Half Human/Half Yoma hybrid
Mental Defenses: Strong enough to keep her more monsterous side from taking control, but probably not as strong to force another presence out of her mind.
Thought-reading: Sure!
Illusion-projecting: He sure can~
Other Notes: Plotting things beforehand would be best. c:
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