All my love~

May 16, 2012 19:13

So, it’s been a whole year already… It’s almost scary how fast time seems to move. But here we are now and suddenly Tacchon is a whole year older, now turning 27 ( Read more... )

2012, ohkura tadayoshi, johnny's entertainment, birthday post, kanjani8

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Comments 10

universalgoo May 16 2012, 18:59:01 UTC
yeyeyeyye! :D I enjoyed reading this~! Happy birthday Tacchon. <3


hanashika90 May 17 2012, 23:09:40 UTC
I'm glad you liked it. I made it a lot more personal this year.
Thank you so much for the comment!


hideto69 May 18 2012, 13:54:08 UTC
So cute!!! Thanks.


hanashika90 May 19 2012, 10:52:02 UTC
Thank you for reading! ^-^


hyuuga_princess May 18 2012, 21:26:15 UTC
Late reading this, but oh well ;)

I see TORN has a lot of people bounded on ryohkura... Although their pictures on the FTO LE back in 2006 were quite intimidating too :p

it's like we much in common, the way we feel about him, only that 1)my dad despises Japan so much he wished me that another earthquake would throw it to the depths of the sea OTL and 2)I have yet to see him live, even though I've been a fan since 2005 *sigh* And that thing, right there, that you just can love someone so much, you never think it possible to grow any bigger, but it just does without obeying you... *sigh ( ... )


hanashika90 May 19 2012, 10:58:59 UTC
There is never a late in reading! ^^ I totally feel like I'm the one who should be honored for you leaving such a great comment(and for creating such amazing gifs to begin with)!

I think the love for Ohkura and Eito is really special and also being able to share those feelings with other fans I think is even more amazing. ^^

I'm really sad that you have to be in that situation with your dad. I've been reading about it in your posts a few times and I really feel that it must be hard to be in that situation. :(

THANK YOU so much for this lovely comment!


mikinyan May 20 2012, 15:34:52 UTC
I really enjoyed this post ^^
I'm a new Okura and Eito's fan, I feel the same thing like you every time I see him on scans, shows and he really surprise me on every interview that I read. I admire him.

You have a great colection *-*
It's a little imposibble to me to buy Okuma u.u I thought on make it but the material it'd be just black, so I'm gonna die with the wish to hug an Okuma xD


hanashika90 May 23 2012, 08:27:18 UTC
Thank you! :D
I think you'll enjoy being a fan a lot, because if anything Eito will never make you bored! Ohkura is actually a lot deeper than most think, and he's also funny in a way you don't expect. This is something I've discovered through interviews and his J-web. I admire him too and I think he's worked really hard to get to where he is today. ^_^

My collection is still growing though, and sometimes having the need or the feeling of wanting to buy something isn't that great for a poor person like me. ^^''' But Still, I like supporting Eito and so I buy their things. Of course it is also for my own pleasure. You never know, one day you just might come across an Okuma like I did. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed my post! :D


ndoeth June 1 2012, 11:52:00 UTC
Oke. My first comment is...awwwwwwwwwwwww *with teary eyes*

I have the same thing going on in me about Ohkura, and how you said it, it's like you and me are the same.

My English is not very good, so I often got stumbled in words. I can't say everything in my mind, and am not really good in writing, so I basically just think-but can't write person :p

I really really enjoyed your post (the writing, the gifs, and the pics)

I've been his fans since before eito debut, but my stuff regarding him is not even close to yours >.< I haven't been to eito's concert, and I don't have a single thing that shows my interest in him personally (I have eito's cd/dvd though) so I thought I'm a little bit jealous to you :D

And though it's maybe too late to say, but otanjoubi omedetou ohkura-kun^^


hanashika90 May 20 2013, 14:13:42 UTC
I'm so sorry for my late reply. One year late... But I really loved reading your comment, so I thought better late than never. ^_^

It makes me happy to read your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed my post. And regarding having stuff, it isn't all that importatant. As long as you're a fan and support the group that's what really counts! ;)And that you're having fun too of course! :D

Thanks again~~ <3


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