Note to self: Never play a video game when you're more than half asleep. It'll cause you to do things, stupid things such as forgetting to buy some damn phoenix downs before taking on a difficult boss and running out in the middle of the battle, making yourself wholly screwed. >_< Also, disease is the worst status effect in all of Final Fantasy (
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Comments 1
It didn't matter how high of a level I had my characters up to, I still... STILL succumb to that awful spell every single time. NO ONE LIKES YOU DISEASE. PLEASE GO PLAY BY YOURSELF IN A CORNER.
I can deal with confuse sometimes, because if they hit themselves, they wake up, but that's always after they cast a really high level spell (or use that one remedy you've been hanging on to for forever) and totally mess with your mind. Sometimes I think I'm the one who gets confused. ._.
Good luck!
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