Erk, and while I think of it, what's Mayu's hectic schedule like and what time's he most likely to go to the movies? XD; *will likely start off at the wrong time, otherwise*
It's moving into evening by the time the last of the post-work rush has swarmed the counter - Hanatarou had barely had time to phone in the milk order before the company stopped accepting them. And now, as if by magic, the shop is deserted, silent except for the faint, tinny loop of 'store appropriate' music that Hanatarou has never been brave enough to change
( ... )
It's been a while since Mayuri's had the time or energy to make it to a movie showing, but the most recent film series at the theatre he always goes to makes this worth it. It's been ages since he's seen anything with the actor and a few blocks in his schedule have thankfully opened up to give him enough time for this. Unfortunately, it hasn't given him enough time for dinner and the series ends too late in the evening to eat afterwards without messing up his eating schedule.
There's no way he's going to pay the price for movie popcorn and he's running too late to stop at a decent resturant, so when a convenience store's sign catches his eye, Mayuri pulls over. There's not hope for much in the way of a decent meal here, but beggars can't be choosers.
Mayuri brushes off the sleeves of his jacket as he enters the store, surveying the shelves for something remotely worth purchasing.
Eights, fours, I have twos in the office... Hanatarou tallies off the cigarettes industriously, blinking occasionally as the numbers blur before his tired eyes. And slims, menthols, running out of filters...
The door whirrs open behind him, and Hanatarou spins in place to welcome his customer. The unfamiliar face gives him pause for a moment - the man seems like the sort of cool, hard-to-please customer that has always given Hanatarou a hard time - but then it's a nod and a slight hunch forward, and the typical, "Welcome to Yamada's!" He smiles brightly - or as brightly as he can, at any rate.
Mayuri makes a face at the cheerful greeting, turning his head to surveying the shelves behind him dismissively, before focusing bizzare yellowed eyes on the young man. He's not much for interacting with the general wage slaves that tend to work at these sorts of places, so he keeps it short and direct.
"I don't suppose you have anything remotely edible that I won't end up wearing as soon as I take it out of the package?" he asks, blandly.
Comments 10
So, what, just Mayu paying a visit to a convenience store for some pre-movie nibbles and scaring crap out of Hana in the process?
There's no way he's going to pay the price for movie popcorn and he's running too late to stop at a decent resturant, so when a convenience store's sign catches his eye, Mayuri pulls over. There's not hope for much in the way of a decent meal here, but beggars can't be choosers.
Mayuri brushes off the sleeves of his jacket as he enters the store, surveying the shelves for something remotely worth purchasing.
The door whirrs open behind him, and Hanatarou spins in place to welcome his customer. The unfamiliar face gives him pause for a moment - the man seems like the sort of cool, hard-to-please customer that has always given Hanatarou a hard time - but then it's a nod and a slight hunch forward, and the typical, "Welcome to Yamada's!" He smiles brightly - or as brightly as he can, at any rate.
"I don't suppose you have anything remotely edible that I won't end up wearing as soon as I take it out of the package?" he asks, blandly.
XD;; It makes it easier to remember for her to post if it's up there.
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