Reading and watching roundup, Hugo nominees edition

Sep 08, 2022 08:20

As I mentioned in my previous post, all it took to get my reading mojo back (temporarily, no doubt) was going on an extended vacation. So I continued to do work the first week, and didn't do any reading, and then the week in Bretagne I also didn't do much reading because I was busy hanging out with cafemassolit in person, but in the ~1.5 weeks outside of that ( Read more... )

a: ryka aoki, movie, a: becky chambers, reading, a: shelley parker-chan, a: catherynne valente

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Comments 9

meathiel September 8 2022, 16:33:08 UTC
Death on the Nile got such bad reviews, also on IMDB but I quite enjoyed it.


hamsterwoman September 8 2022, 17:09:32 UTC
Yeah, after I watched it, I saw the critical reception was not great, but I don't really understand what else they wanted out of it -- I thought it was a nicely stylish movie with a lot of good actors, pretty and fun to watch, which is all I really require from a Christie adaptation.


aletheiafelinea September 10 2022, 18:30:39 UTC
Aw, now you even have an icon for it! ❤ :D I can't decide if your Chambers rants are my guilty pleasure or just pleasure. Who cares. Thanks anyway. XD

By way of Typical Reading Fan AssociationsTM this brought me thoughts about a fic read last week that in this regard was just another case of a broader phenomenon in These DaysTM fandoms... It was long, pretty decent in literary terms and in many places pretty enjoyable, and yet I didn't grace it with a single kudo in the end. Sorry not sorry, Author, but no. It was emotional as you expect from fics, and all about finding self and fixing your life in that 'positive' style you not necessarily expect but get from fics nowadays if you want it or not, educational smell and the author's sense of mission all over it. And yet, there's that persistent and all-encompassing feeling of skewed and uncanny and distorting-mirror-wrong about it. People get apologised for their hurt feelings, and other people feel guilty, and find forgiveness, relations are healed, cotton candy and uwufest for ( ... )


hamsterwoman September 12 2022, 02:22:23 UTC
Haha, happy to entertain! XD

I feel slightly bad every time I use this icon, but, like, there's a reason I have it. Although when I first acquired it, it was because 'Small, Angry Planet' was this frustrating mix of things I really liked and things that emphatically didn't work for me. In this one, there really isn't anything, beyond the "monk + robot + tea ceremony" pitch, that I would emphatically put in the Likes column...

And yet, there's that persistent and all-encompassing feeling of skewed and uncanny and distorting-mirror-wrong about it. People get apologised for their hurt feelings, and other people feel guilty, and find forgiveness, relations are healed, cotton candy and uwufest for everyone. But all those apologies and guilt somehow go in wrong directions

Nod -- I know what you mean, I think. What you wrote made me think about this post, which is about The Bright Sessions but in general talks about Crab Nebula logic (you can Ctr+F for "Crab Nebula" to find that specific part) -- it sounds like you might be talking ( ... )


aletheiafelinea September 17 2022, 20:26:39 UTC
What a fascinating read that was! (I do need more rants for that thing, apparently. If not for anything else, then because it would be so helpful to crystalize a nebulous (heh) feeling into specified thoughts, pinning it down with words.)

or at least never called out, and this is a show where if the author wants you to know something, it will be called out one million times.Oh yes, that very much rings that fic of mine bell. Someone who was seriously wronged in my view gets sidelined by the narration for the sake of someone the author thinks needs to be effusively and repeatedly validated and coddled, because oh! the inspeakable hurt and harm and injustice of... not being let by a third part into the sidelined character's privacy ( ... )


aletheiafelinea September 17 2022, 20:26:55 UTC
Chloe is portrayed as a sweet cinnamon roll too good for this world, but in real life, she would be murdered so fast.
We need some name for this cliche in fics and other (but somehow fic-like) fiction, because it's a cliche already, some not-so-distant-relative of Manic Pixie Girl so many 'progressive' people consider sexist. Cinnamon Roll works good enough.

The particular quadrant of the Crab Nebula is, I think, young people on Tumblr.We also need some better site shorthand for Crab Nebula circles than Tumblr, because its core problem of a social medium that is shitty at being social and medium aside, it has been following LJ-ish life cycle over time, which only became clear in recent years. I joined after LJ's wild SJWish young age and already in its 'middle-aged people with kids and jobs doing fandoms' phase, which later on my eyes has shifted into FB-ish-but-more-wordy rl-themed blogging, and Tumblr right now seems to be in the second one - it's hard to run into a pure unfiltered SJW wacko anymore, the general tone turned self- ( ... )


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