Reading roundup and Hugo ballot

Dec 14, 2021 22:23

I meant to post about it before signups closed but missed that, but before I forget to post about it entirely:
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a: naomi novik, gn, hugo homework, nonfiction, a: alan dundes, sandman, rivers of london, a: vera brosgol, a: neil gaiman, reading

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Comments 18

aletheiafelinea December 15 2021, 16:37:48 UTC
XD ♥Here we can see the telegram as "what" and the letter as "why". That's what I call a precise communication, so precious in the office. :D

Some things I was much better able to appreciate now, having actually worked in the paperwork empire for a couple of decades, like "Getting things done around here is like mating elephants: 1. It's done at a high level. 2. It is accomplished with a lot of roaring and screaming. 3. AND it takes two years to get any results!!!"
Funny how at some vague point in the past we thought the computers would make this more efficient. :')


hamsterwoman December 16 2021, 06:44:28 UTC
Here we can see the telegram as "what" and the letter as "why". That's what I call a precise communication, so precious in the office. :D

Hahaha, well put! :D

Funny how at some vague point in the past we thought the computers would make this more efficient. :')

Well, I suppose the roaring and screaming in some part has been replaced by strongly worded emails :P But certainly it hasn't made the "gestation period", as it were, any shorter! :P

(It's good to see you around these parts! ♥)


aletheiafelinea December 19 2021, 15:52:13 UTC
Oh, I'm still around these parts and try to keep up, but mostly lurking. Sorry! The life. :} (But on my part it's good to see you posting steadily! ♥)


hamsterwoman December 19 2021, 18:59:38 UTC
Lurking is totally OK! :) I'm glad to know you're here and reading :)

(I've kept posting regularly all year, it's just that my regularity has been somewhere around every 1-2 weeks :P) But between year-end memes and Yuletide and Snowflake Challenge in January, and actually having a break at home, I do hope it'll be more frequent this month or two!


perpetual December 17 2021, 17:49:31 UTC
MacAvoy as Dream grew on me too. Abel was so annoying, but I'm not sure it's possible to portray a stutter in an audible medium without it being annoying, and he wouldn't have seemed right without it, either.

Any thoughts on the casting for the Netflix series?


hamsterwoman December 18 2021, 18:16:56 UTC
but I'm not sure it's possible to portray a stutter in an audible medium without it being annoying, and he wouldn't have seemed right without it, either

That was my initial thought about him too, but someone (rachelmanija, maybe?) mentioned that he tells a story without stuttering in Act II and his voice is still really annoying. So I guess this was an intentional choice, maybe? Leaning into the inevitability of stuttering being annoying in an audio medium?

Any thoughts on the casting for the Netflix series?

This was actually a good reminder to check out what else they've shared in the time since I watched the teaser!

Casting thoughts... I am extremely on board with Tywin Charles Dance as the Burgess casting, and am looking forward to seeing Thewlis as Doctor Dee (I feel like he has the right combination of, like, disarmingly harmless air and creepy undercurrent even in roles that don't require it, heh). I'm intrigued but a little skeptical about Gwendolyn Christie as Lucifer; the gender-bent approach is neat, but nothing I've seen her in ( ... )


perpetual December 18 2021, 22:46:52 UTC
Since Gilbert is supposed to be G.K. Chesterton, I think it's going to be cool that he pings as someone kind of familiar. If the glasses and mustache are thick enough it might diminish his Fry-ness, too.

Mason Alexander Park was cast in Sandman and Cowboy Bebop at right around the same time, and I wasn't thrilled by their performance in Bebop. That might have been since they were nothing at all like the character from the anime they played, but I'm also a little in doubt at their ability to pull off heart-stoppingly gorgeous. We'll see.

Yeah, I just rewatched The Good Place, and Simone is great! I think she'll be a good Death.

Oh, and I really like the idea of Patton Oswalt as Matthew.


hamsterwoman December 19 2021, 18:57:45 UTC
That's a good point re: Chesterton! (For me personally, while I read and liked Chesterton before encountering Sandman -- I'm a fan of the Father Brown stories, which I read in childhood, which was my big mystery phase -- I didn't have any idea of what Chesterton looked like until after I'd met Gilbert via Sandman, so for my purposes it's not that Gilbert looks like Chesterton, it's that Chesterton looks kind of like Gilbert. But the general point stands! :)

But yeah, I hope the mustache and glasses diminish the Fry-ness somewhat. I'm very bad at recognizing actors, but Fry is one of those I've found pretty unmistakable so far...

but I'm also a little in doubt at their ability to pull off heart-stoppingly gorgeous.Yeah, I don't know that they can pull off heart-stoppingly gorgeous either, but on the other hand, 1) I'm not sure any human actor could, so that's something I'm willing to suspend disbelief for if the vibe feels right, and 2) I didn't see how the ordinary-looking dude they'd cast as Dream was at all Morpheus-like, but in ( ... )


giallarhorn December 25 2021, 06:24:01 UTC
Kat Denning as Death just doesn't feel at all right for me

Ack. Even without the whole MCU Darcy association, she's def got a voice in a much higher octave for what I'd associate with Death, just cause...y'know, death? I know she's a chipper person and all, but like she's also Death.

it is very hard to transmit Desire without the visual component of their androgynously beautiful face

I always thought of Desire as having a sort of melodious voice? Or something that'd we'd associate typically with beauty, but I guess it'd be tricky to pull off in an actual audiobook without someone kinda singing along? Which I suppose would be more of Delirium, given her nature and all. But now that we're getting a TV show out of it and all, I'm interested to see what medium does the better job of adapting it.

I liked the Hob Gadling episode a lot, and the Midsummer Night's Dream oneYeah, those bits in particular I always thought lent themselves well to a play type format? Partly cause Midsummer Night's Dream is well, Shakespeare and all, but even ( ... )


hamsterwoman December 27 2021, 22:57:40 UTC
I always thought of Desire as having a sort of melodious voice? Or something that'd we'd associate typically with beauty

Yeah, melodious and/or sultry I think is what it would need to be to sound right to me. At least vocally, Netflix!Desire seems to be sounding better to me (in the out-of-character interview thing that's up on YouTube), but part of that could very well be that I'm just not an audio person really, so having JUST the audio input makes it harder for me to connect with a character in the first place.

Yeah, those bits in particular I always thought lent themselves well to a play type format?

Yep! And so they did :)

and I liked Uprooted, but I wasn't sure if Deadly Education was too YA type?I liked it a reasonable amount, and other people who like Novik seem to have liked it more, but a) it is quite YA (teen cast, school setting, teen romance, and I think just very YA thematically in terms of finding your place in the world and so on), and b) it is not much like Uprooted. (If you're looking for something more like ( ... )


giallarhorn January 1 2022, 19:28:26 UTC
a) it is quite YA (teen cast, school setting, teen romance, and I think just very YA thematically in terms of finding your place in the world and so on), and b) it is not much like Uprooted

Yeah, the description I hear thrown around a lot is Harry Potter for kids who read HP but are now YA so that seems to fit the bill? But I'll definitely check out Spinning Silver!

I had kind of reconciled myself to it, and also, it HAD spurred on real change in the SF awards community

Same here- I didn't personally think it would've been nomination worthy in itself, but I saw it like the only real nomination-able thing they could've picked to demonstrate the changes? Which in itself is important to recognize, but it feels like they could've used the slot for something actually showing the change in the wider genre or the expansion of SF awards if they wanted to keep the meta-award slot as opposed to yet another rant?


hamsterwoman January 2 2022, 00:14:02 UTC
the description I hear thrown around a lot is Harry Potter for kids who read HP but are now YA

I can definitely see why people would say that, and that's kind of what I was expecting going in, but it's one of the reasons I found the first book weird reading -- because the thing in HP is, Harry loves Hogwarts, and so you the reader are invited to love it as well. On the other hand, the Scholomance books are not satisfying for someone who likes school, and so were not satisfying to me as a magic school narrative (though I liked other things about the two I've read so far).

but I saw it like the only real nomination-able thing they could've picked to demonstrate the changes? Yeah, I think it was pretty much like that, and it's what reconciled me to it winning ultimately, I guess. Even though I still maintain it was not-great as far as acceptance speeches go ( ... )


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