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Comments 34

deeplyunhip January 24 2021, 17:32:44 UTC

... )


hamsterwoman January 25 2021, 07:08:16 UTC
I thought I'd share as I know you'd be very "proud" of me for this result, haha.

Hee, I am -- so good call on sharing! :D

Character I love but everyone else hates
Character I hate that everyone else loves
OK, this already stumped me -- there's such a small main cast, and I loved all of them by the end of the show, and so, I think, does everyone else, so this was kind of an impossible question. I did find this ranked list of The Good Place characters and went through it to see where I would disagree significantly. It seems like I liked Simone less than other people did early on, and actually liked her more in season 4 than in season 3, which seems to go against what the ranked list says fans in general felt. (I didn't hate her in season 3, but I also didn't especially like her). And looks like a good candidate for "character I hate whom everyone loves" is Shawn, which I kind of suspected -- I mean, he's reasonably funny, and I don't hate him or anything (well, I mean, I do, but because he's meant to be heateable -- I don't hate the ( ... )


deeplyunhip February 13 2021, 16:47:32 UTC
I appreciate the link to the lists! It's funny; I agree with almost nothing on the episode rankings and almost everything on the character list, though the big exception is that the judge is a character I don't really care about and everyone else loves. (I've watched way too many things with Maya Rudolph by now and I'm just tired of her same old routine.)

I agree with you that Michael/Eleanor is a great friendship story and shipping seems bizarre. Also, never thought of Eleanor/Simone but that is indeed way cuter than Chidi/Simone!


failte_aoife January 25 2021, 15:36:22 UTC
Those hamster-icons are the cutest <3


hamsterwoman January 25 2021, 18:17:16 UTC
Thank you! :)

(and LOL at your icon juxtaposition XD)


failte_aoife January 26 2021, 11:36:30 UTC
I think that is the one I have longest from my current ones. It is just too cute XD

Yours is also adorable


hamsterwoman January 27 2021, 01:18:33 UTC
:D IIRC this was from the first set of icons I made (but cartoons are forgiving icon subjects :P)


silverflight8 January 26 2021, 04:05:03 UTC
That rolling pin hamster!! daw!!


hamsterwoman January 26 2021, 04:32:56 UTC
I've wanted a baking icon for a while, and when I saw that art (from this set by a Japanese artist), I knew this had to be the image :)


blakmagjick January 27 2021, 02:41:57 UTC
omg...the hamsters with masks icons are stupidly cute! haha


hamsterwoman January 27 2021, 04:45:49 UTC
Thank you! :) Obviously I needed a hamster-in-a-mask icon (like, 10 months ago. But better late than never).


aletheiafelinea January 30 2021, 14:33:08 UTC
The first masked hamster wins to me!

Discworld for the meme? :)


hamsterwoman January 30 2021, 23:44:20 UTC
Thank you for the hamster vote! :)

Character I love but everyone else hates
I don't have any truly unpopular views on this -- I don't love Rincewind or Twoflower or anything like that XD I do really, really like Pterry's villains -- not in the way where I think they're good people or want them to be redeemed or anything, but they're just so compelling! Vorbis, Reacher Gilt, Dios, even Teatime. And it's not in a love-to-hate way, I genuinely appreciate them as one of the most important and enjoyable to me parts of the books they're in.

Character I hate that everyone else lovesI most definitely don't hate them -- in fact I like them quite a lot -- but I think where the distance between my opinions and common fandom opinions is greatest is Death and Susan. I've seen them show up at the top of list of "favorite character from anything ever", and I think they're great, but for me they're not in the top 5 (probably not even top 10) of Discworld characters. I appreciate them, and I enjoy reading about them, but there's a reason the Death ( ... )


Discworld, part 2 hamsterwoman January 30 2021, 23:44:48 UTC

The thing that bothers me the most but doesn’t seem to bother anyone else
OK, this is very minor, but there is really only one thing I sort of philosophically disagree with in the Discworld books, and it has to do with the Auditors. They are an interesting antagonist conceptually, but trying to impose order and quiet is fundamentally the opposite of how the universe works (Second Law of Thermodynamics and all), so the stories where that's the thematic conflict work least well for me (on a thematic level; I can still like them a lot for other reasons, and indeed I do like Hogfather overall.)

Commonly accepted fanon I don’t understand
I don't not understand it, but personally don't agree with the common practice of reading a lot of the Monstrous Regiment characters as trans (Jackrum I could see, I suppose, though it's not my own interpretation).

Canon or fanon I choose to disregard
I stopped reading Raising Steam partway because it just wasn't feeling like Pratchett, and it hurt too much to be enjoying an Ankh-Morpork/Moist book ( ... )


Re: Discworld, part 2 aletheiafelinea February 3 2021, 21:59:10 UTC
Ah, to me Death is in the very top, just next to Vimes. I wonder about Susan though... She's probably closer to like than hate to me, but somehow forgettable? In spite of being actually a good 'big' character, if it makes any sense... And yet I'd recall at least two dozens of characters before her, I think. *shrug* Dunno, it's a very subjective matter, of this I'm sure.

My mind nopes out at the usual concept of fandom shippy ways applied to Discworld in general, so I guess I can't even say I love or hate any ships in particular... :')

With you on "Small Gods", it's just objectively good, as in, would be good even judged regardless of Discworld.

personally don't agree with the common practice of reading a lot of the Monstrous Regiment characters as trans
Leave it to Tumblr (or Twitter these days, as I hear) and in no time there will be nobody not trans, at which point it's going to lose the point entirely... Personally I like to think of MR as "the best feminist book that exists, and how ironic a man wrote it". At first it annoyed ( ... )


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