watching all the things (B7, Castlevania, etc.)

Mar 14, 2020 15:17

We interrupt Virus Watch to bring you and update on all the escapism I've been engaging in for the last 10 days:

Blake's 7, series 3: I finished series 3 (stuck at home, I've been making good progress with TV things, although this was not necessarily great comfort watching XD). Thoughts on individual episodes below (written down as I watched them ( Read more... )

castlevania, television, things that are k's fault, b7, meme, fanvid

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Comments 8

meathiel March 15 2020, 15:20:41 UTC
I had Babylon 5 first as we but then changed it to Bones. *lol*


hamsterwoman March 15 2020, 21:51:38 UTC
There were a lot of B options -- I also thought about Buffy, and Blake's 7, of course, since I'm currently watching that, but ended up going with my first love :)


itsnotmymind March 15 2020, 17:14:29 UTC
Thanks for the vid rec!


hamsterwoman March 15 2020, 21:51:58 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! It's such a lovely vid!


lyssa027 March 15 2020, 19:23:01 UTC
Hm maybe Justin and I should finally check out Castlevania, we finally have the time LOL


hamsterwoman March 15 2020, 21:53:23 UTC
I find it a little too gory for my taste, but I think you guys will likely enjoy the humour at least, as I do. And both the episodes and seasons are pretty short, so it's easy to get through them all, or at least to get far enough in to tell if it's your thing.


asthenie_vd March 23 2020, 16:24:14 UTC
I started watching Castlevania, but didn't make it far. I think I stopped 8 episodes or 9 episodes in. It's well-made and I do like the main characters and the direction they went with the dialogue (oh the dialogue is gold!), but there's just a touch too much gore and too little plot for me to get hooked.

I heard there's a lot of drama in the fandom right now, regarding who ended up sleeping with who in s3, which is not surprising. I hope you can stay out of that and it doesn't ruin your fun. A fandom acquaintance of mine got very annoyed at that.


hamsterwoman March 23 2020, 17:59:29 UTC
8 or 9 episodes in sounds like mid-s2 -- I will say, I founds season 2 the least interesting of the three out so far, and in fact pretty skippable. There's like 1-2 episodes at the very end of s2 that IMO are worth watching. Season 3 was much more to my taste.

I dislike the gore, too, and, honestly, I just do something else on my phone during the gore-heavy scenes -- I guess that's fun for some viewers, but I would not miss is at all is those scenes just weren't there.

And, heh, no worries -- I am totally disconnected from Castlevania fandom and do not miss it. I get some fun memes and whatnot filtered in through the friend who got me to watch it in the first place. Also, it's not the kind of show where I'm all that invested in who is sleeping with whom, though I do low-key ship Trevor/Alucard (not who was sleeping together in s3 :P)


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