Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on my flist! (Mine has involved trying to chivvy sick L into doing something -- anything! -- productive, and haranguing O to write his poetry project for English, which of course he's procrastinated on for ages.)
29. Martha Wells, Element of Fire --
asthenie_vd write-up piqued my curiosity about this one, and then
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I was open to Blue/Gansey, I guess, but I don't feel like it has gone anywhere interesting? What this book tried to sell -- Gansey feeling like he's swimming in her presence, Gansey feeling comfortable being vulnerable with her -- are all really interesting things, and I can absolutely see how a character like Gansey, who is always "on" and always taking care of people -- would find that attractive, but it felt like all tell and no show to me.
And the plot and worldbuilding were just a mess, but after BLLB I was not expecting anything else, tbh. That book introduced so many new things without resolving anything at all that I had zero confidence that the last one would be able to wrap up anything plot-wise or worldbuilding-wise to my satisfaction.
As for jump ropes, mine heavily featured what I think is called "Chinese jump rope" here. I was so obsessed, I would play by myself, at home, using chair legs to hold the rubber band :)
(And I attempted making paper dolls as well, though they were not much of a success lol!)
Harry Potter for the meme.
And happy Mother's Day!
I loved paper dolls as a kid. I had a paper clothes making kit which was one of my favorite toys.
Probably Sam. Who I think is the BEST character in LotR, in terms of living up to, like, a moral ideal, but that kind of loyalty and humility is really hard for me to relate to personally.
- interactions i enjoyed the most
Legolas and Gimli! The orc-counting contest is amazing, as is them baiting each other early on, as is their lasting friendship, of course.
- the character who scares me the most
Probably Denethor, because he's a good man with noble ideals who is corrupted by fear into something really terrible, on a personal level.
- the character who is most like me
Heh, I always say Merry to things like that, because I'm the book-learnin' boring one ;)
- hottest looks character
In the movie, Aragorn, because Viggo with a beard. In my mental image of the books, Boromir (which this fanartist does a great job capturing).
Literally, the Balrog.- one thing i dislike about my favorite character ( ... )
That fan artist's Boromir is indeed beautifully drawn.
And while Eowyn is not my least favorite, she's not one of my top characters...although yes, she's badass.
I agree that everyone who was really awful did die.
My computer's name is Merry....well, my smaller computer (which I am writing this on).
Aww, hee! That's a really good name for a small computer! :)
(Maggie Stiefvater made me blink. It's always kinda strange when words from one's native language sneak into English out of context.)
Yay fandom meme time! We obviously need to get more Dragaera in there, haha. Or Dresden Files, if you'd rather have that.
Your Aliera has pretty much become my mental image for her. :D
Of course, Dragaera -- thank you for the prompt! (I'll also do Dresden Files)
- the character i least understand
Cawti, probably. I just have a hard time with the cognitive dissonance that I think must be required to have the relationship she has with Norathar and at the same time be crusading for the revolution. Not that I have an easy time understanding crusading for the revolution even without that. And putting that above her relationship with Vlad. And marrying Vlad in the first place given that they were so far apart ideologically. And not talking to Vlad earlier on about things. And also some of the stuff that we get in TiassaI'm not saying Vlad is blameless here, not at all -- Vlad is oblivious and hypocritical himself, but I find his blindspots easier to understand than hers ( ... )
Your Aliera has pretty much become my mental image for her. :D
That is something I consider a very high compliment, especially considering how long/well you know the series. I will just... stare at that line a little until I can stop grinning stupidly at it! :D
Cawti, probably. I just have a hard time with the cognitive dissonance that I think must be required to have the relationship she has with Norathar and at the same time be crusading for the revolution.
^Yeah, this. The rest of the things you mentioned I get, kinda. But how she can push for a revolution, then go home and be close with/parent a kid with the heir to the throne, that requires more denial power than I'm capable of imagining. :P And it's not like her ideology will crash with Norathar any less than it did with Vlad. Perhaps she's more tolerant of Norathar ignoring it because she doesn't expect a Dragaeran to understand while Vlad is an Easterner = he should understand, damn him = more unacceptable? idk.
IDK, probably ( ... )
Perhaps she's more tolerant of Norathar ignoring it because she doesn't expect a Dragaeran to understand while Vlad is an Easterner = he should understand, damn him = more unacceptable?
That's my thinking on it, too, but it still strikes me as baffling/hypocritical.
I got to Loraan a bit by the process of elimination, because I can't think of anyone I'm really genuinely scared of in these books. Vlad's smartass narration makes everything lighter, and Paarfispeak obscures everything enough. I mean the Jenoine are creepy, but are they even characters?
I guess a fairer answer would be that the CONCEPT of Morganti weapons scares me, but that's not a person.
For me that was probably Teldra's not-death. I can absolutely appreciate the effect it had on the rest of the cast, but I believe the extent of my own reaction was "...?? oh. huh. Oh, okay."Actually, I ( ... )
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