Fandom Stocking and Snowflake Challenge, days (4), 6-9

Jan 09, 2016 14:34

Yaaay, fandom stocking is live! I got a cute Vorkosiverse family times ficlet with baby Miles, a Maia and Setheris drabble-and-a-half (which doubles the number of Setheris fics on AO3, unsurprisingly), adorable hamster icons galore, Firefly icons for favorite characters I've been missing, a very neat RoL icon from chomiji using the Body of Work cover I ( Read more... )

discworld, vorkosigan saga, fandom_stocking, rivers of london, fic rec, icons, snowflake challenge, dresden files

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Comments 33

gelsey January 9 2016, 23:03:19 UTC

Need to look at the bingo when I get the chance.


hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 00:06:22 UTC
I hope you find it useful! :) (Given how much you've read in the last year, I'm sure you won't have any issues completing any sort of reading challenge you choose to participate in!)


gelsey January 10 2016, 01:20:34 UTC

It came vary wildly from year to year. I just sort of want to expand my reading a little. This year was largely because 9 months of the year I was involved in a somewhat competitive reading challenge in a fangroup, and I can be terribly competitive under the righr conditions.


hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 01:22:22 UTC
and I can be terribly competitive under the righr conditions.

Haha, that's something I can totally sympathize with! :D


asthenie_vd January 9 2016, 23:03:53 UTC
The nostalgia challenge sounds awesomse! Now I've only got to figure out what I was into 10 years ago that I haven't touched since... I'm afraid I'm actually good at re-watching + re-reading.

Oh, and your icon set reminds me I've yet to get the RoL comics!


hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 00:05:41 UTC
I'm afraid I'm actually good at re-watching + re-reading.

Haha, yeah, that would make it harder! (I almost never reread books, with the exception of a few "comfort read" series/books, and I pretty much never rewatch stuff on my own, unless it's just somethign that happens to be playing on TV -- if not for the rodents, I wouldn't even be rewatching B5, which I consider my favorite show of all time.)

I've actually not checked out the RoL comics yet, either. (The art is not from the GN but fanart; I was so impressed! -- and I actually like this depiction of Peter and Thomas better than the GN versions.) I don't read comics in general, so I still need to figure out the best way to get ahold of the Body Work issues. I think I'll probably sort that out around the time Night Witch comes out, because, assuming that's got something to do with Varvara -- WHICH IT BETTER! -- I won't want to be behind on that!)


asthenie_vd January 10 2016, 18:36:17 UTC
Looking up the comics again (I'll probably wait until there's a paperback), I have to say, they're not exactly the characters as they are in my mind either. The fanart is closer.


hamsterwoman January 11 2016, 17:52:23 UTC
Same for me, as far as this fanart and the GNs. Not all the other characters by this artist work as well for me (Seawoll and Stephanopoulos don't match my mental image at all, for instance), but I really like the others. I do like what I've seen of Guleed from the comics, though, in the promo art.


a_phoenixdragon January 10 2016, 00:16:43 UTC
Aww, such awesome things all!!



hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 00:26:48 UTC
Thank you! :) I hope you got some lovely fandom_stocking goodies as well!


a_phoenixdragon January 10 2016, 01:06:59 UTC
I certainly did *is thrilled to bits!!* just shared them, too!!



_grayswandir_ January 10 2016, 00:17:43 UTC
Anteater sitting on a capybara. Wow. XD


hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 00:26:22 UTC
I am boggled (but gratified!) that this is a thing that exists XD


meathiel January 10 2016, 12:14:24 UTC
52 books shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, depends on what you read of course.

And watching one season of a TV show should be doable as well?


hamsterwoman January 10 2016, 17:00:33 UTC
52 books a year should definitely be doable, though there are some years when I don't have a lot of margin. It really seems to depend on what sort of books I'm reading, and how much fic I'm reading alongside (and I seem to be hitting another fic-reading-intensive stage, which I haven't had for a couple of years).

A season of a TV show is actually more of a challenge! I only watch things after the rodents have gone to bed (unless I'm watching WITH them, of course), so it comes out of LJ-time and fic-reading time and other such things. For reference, it took me basically a full year to get through Angel s1 -- I watched the first episode in early March, after having it at home for several months and not getting around to it, and finished it in late September. And even though I ordered s2 right away and it's been sitting on my shelf since then, I still haven't even opened the DVD case yet. I'm really not a TV person. :P


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