Reading roundup: The Shepherd's Crown

Oct 03, 2015 15:47

57. Terry Pratchett, The Shepherd's Crown -- This is such a weird and difficult book for me to talk about, because first, there's the fact that it's the last Discworld book -- just reading the blurb on the rear inside flap, talking about PTerry in past tense, made me tear up. And then there's the book itself, which -- I really can't talk about this ( Read more... )

discworld, l crafts, a: terry pratchett, reading

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Comments 27

gelsey October 3 2015, 22:58:12 UTC

I've heard similar reading reviews from others. I've only barely dipped my toes into Disc world, so I can't really comment and I didn't read the spoiler bits, but I am glad they published it, even not completely filled out, for all the fans out there.

Pretty necklace :) it seems very appropriate.

I'm trying to decide if I want to do reading bingo next year or not.


hamsterwoman October 3 2015, 23:15:07 UTC
I'm very glad they published it, too. It makes for a fitting good-bye (and a better good-bye than the previous published book, at least for my taste ( ... )


gelsey October 3 2015, 23:55:41 UTC
I've read Guards! Guards! Guards! And part of one other whose name I can't recall. I liked what I read but I find I have trouble focusing on the style.

See, that's what I'm afraid of, that it'll feel like work. I'll shut down when it feels like that, I know myself. But on the other hand, I would like to expand my horizons a little bit, though there are some things I just won't trudge through.


hamsterwoman October 4 2015, 20:35:03 UTC
Ah, so really just dipped your toes in, then! (Discworld is so vast, "I've only read a tiny bit" could mean anything from half a dozen books to just one :)

The Watch books that kick off with Guards! Guards! are my favorite sub-thread (although the Witches have gotten to be a very close second), and the books get stronger as they go along, until the last couple (and for those there's a very legitimate if terribly sad explanation).

I wasn't sure if Reading Bingo would work for me, but I think having the option to only basically read 5 books and still get to check a mental box for having gotten a bingo was sufficiently low pressure. Then, of course, I wanted to go for blackout and so on, but there are enough interim milestones / places where I felt I could stop if I wasn't having fun that it didn't feel like work. And the 2014 reading bingo I was doing felt open-ended enough that I didn't feel constrained to read something I had no interest in, which is also what I tried to duplicate with CSRB.


qwentoozla October 4 2015, 06:12:20 UTC
I need to remember to come back and read your thoughts when I've read the book! I bought it, but I have three library books that have been renewed twice to get to first (plus I'm not quite sure I'm ready to read it).

The necklace L made is lovely. :)


hamsterwoman October 4 2015, 20:38:19 UTC
Thank you, re: necklace! :)

I was actually going to hold off on reading it, too, because I didn't think I was ready, but lunasariel asked if I wanted her copy of the book when we were meeting the other Saturday, and of course I said yes, and then it was there and I just opened it to see how I would feel, and next thing I knew I was crying on MUNI :P

I will be looking forward to your thoughts and impressions when you do have a chance to read it!


meathiel October 4 2015, 11:20:06 UTC
I've never been into Discworld. Tried reading a few - 3 if I'm not mistaken - but just couldn't get into them at all.


hamsterwoman October 4 2015, 20:41:57 UTC
They're very different books from regular fantasy... but also, I think it sort of depends where one starts, because the early books (Color of Magic / The Light Fantastic) are very different from the mature ones, and the various sub-series are also significantly different from each other in themes and tone: like, I love Watch and Witches, but merely respect the Death books and am reasonably amused by the Wizards ones.

Not that this means that you need to try more Discworld if you didn't click, but depending on which books you started with (especially if it was the first two, which most of the fandom does not like very much) there may be Discworld books out there that would work better for you than you expect. :)


meathiel October 5 2015, 05:15:51 UTC
I have to admit I don't remember which ones I read but I think one was with Death. Is there one when he takes a holiday and somebody else has to take over???


hamsterwoman October 5 2015, 06:09:27 UTC
That sounds like Mort (the one with Death's apprentice) or Reaper Man (the one where he lives as a human for a while). I like Reaper Man and am fairly meh on Mort (consider it an 'early' Discworld still, or right at that line between early and 'real' Discworld.

They are hard to keep track of, because there are SO MANY, and they aren't really straightforward in order. I spend many years convinced that I had read Feet of Clay already only to pick it up at one point and discover I'd never ready it at all... :P


bearshorty October 4 2015, 13:04:19 UTC

The necklace is very pretty. I like the assymetrical nature of it.

Yay, Tomek books. I'm really enjoying book 8. All the awkward exposition is just nostalgic and amusing to me.


hamsterwoman October 4 2015, 20:44:33 UTC
Thank you! I wanted it to be asymmetrical and sort of organic, and I think L did a really nice job capturing that.

I was debating between starting with a later book or going to the beginning, and it's a good thing I decided to start with #1, because apparently I remember nothing except bits here and there -- like Tomek worrying that Smuga had been bitten by the tse-tse fly when he falls asleep on the train. That's like literally the first thing that felt familiar in the first 15% XP


a_phoenixdragon October 4 2015, 16:06:21 UTC
I've just started Discworld...guessing this is one to look forward to, even as I take my time getting there...



hamsterwoman October 4 2015, 20:48:14 UTC
This one's not one of the stronger books, objectively speaking, but it's a fitting farewell, and I'm very glad that it was published.

I'm curious, which Discworld books have your read already? (I always love hearing about people's reading order for this one, because there are so many threads you could follow, and it is one of those series where, with a very few exceptions, I think you can read pretty much in any order.)


a_phoenixdragon October 6 2015, 03:45:15 UTC
Well, I started to read three, then two (by accident) and finally picked up #1, but only got about halfway through before Life sideswiped me. Really need to get back to it soon. :D


hamsterwoman October 6 2015, 03:48:44 UTC
The early books are actually the weakest, so, I think you could easily start with #3 (Equal Rites, for the Witches series) or #4 (Mort, for the Death series) or with the first of the Watch series (Guards! Guards!) whose number I don't remember. (You've probably heard all this before, but I find I have Opinions on Discworld reading order, so, please forgive me for unsolicited advice :P)


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