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Comments 45

nutmeg3 August 14 2015, 03:28:23 UTC
I read the Durrell on the train during my commuting days and kept laughing out loud, then trying to hide it from my seatmate.


hamsterwoman August 15 2015, 01:55:30 UTC
He is so funny! I have fond memories of reading his books on summer vacation, passing them between my parents and me, and giggling and reading our favorite bits to each other.


qwentoozla August 14 2015, 07:14:30 UTC
I'm very glad you liked JSNM! I found Norrell's happiness at being stuck with Strange quite sweet too. I suppose it would be a relief not to have to guard his secrets and his books so jealously anymore! I felt sorry for Drawlight in the end too. I think it took Clarke 10 years to write the first book, so it would seem that another one would be due around now, if there was going to be one. I'm sure we would have heard of it if it existed though!

The show--you could watch it on putlocker here, if that works for you?

I voted for the only books I have read in your poll, haha. I'd like to do a reread of Master and Margarita myself, actually, although I don't think it was that long ago that I first read it!

Not-terrible is the best thing that can be hoped for in the Vorkosigan book covers department! It's nice that they actually listened to her request.


hamsterwoman August 15 2015, 02:06:39 UTC
I suppose it would be a relief not to have to guard his secrets and his books so jealously anymore!

It does seem like he's happy about that! It couldn't have been easy, what with his inability to keep straight which books he was encouraging Strange to read and which he was hiding from him :P

I think it took Clarke 10 years to write the first book, so it would seem that another one would be due around now

Hmmm, that's true... I hope that does mean there's some hope of a sequel.

And thank you for the link!

Not-terrible is the best thing that can be hoped for in the Vorkosigan book covers department!

Exactly! I'll take it! :P

Master i Margarita is currently in co-lead (and has my tie-breaker vote behind it, heh) :)


jaelle_n_gilla August 14 2015, 08:10:05 UTC
So you managed Norrell and Strange? I admit I started twice and never made it beyond 1/3rd of the book. I thought it was so booooooring and the two main characters so totally unbelievable that I couldn't bear to read more of them. I tried. Honestly, I did.

I didn't know there was a graphic novel for Rivers of London. Thanks for mentioning it. Maybe I'll try that too.


hamsterwoman August 14 2015, 19:20:19 UTC
1/3 seems to be the cut-off from the various comments here and my own experience. I think basically by that point I was like, I'm 350 pages into a book, I should be done by now. But I did enjoy it this time around (not sure I'd go for a take 3, though, if this time hadn't worked.)

The GN story is a new thing. Right now it's just one issue that's out, and I think a book collecting it is not planned until spring or something, so not sure how easy it is to get ahold of (it's available through a comic book store, but since I don't read comics like that, I don't know how the logistics work)


jaelle_n_gilla August 15 2015, 06:32:21 UTC
The Body Workk #1 is avilable on Amazon either as book or kindle format, but the funny thing is you can pre-order 3, 4, and 5, but 2 is not mentioned anywhere... Weird.


hamsterwoman August 15 2015, 18:15:43 UTC
Huh, so it does! And you're right, #2 is not listed for some reason...

Our Kindles are B&W and would suck for reading comics, and I don't enjoy reading books off my computer screen, so I think I'm going to wait until the hardcover next year (and probably see if I can test-drive it at the library or online first...)


bearshorty August 14 2015, 10:25:09 UTC

I was going to vote for Piknik na obochine since I would want to reread it too, (it's been too long) but then you mentioned Volkov books - I used to adore all 6 of them. I like them much more than real Wizard of Oz sequels - I loved Urphin and the cave one. So either Piknik or Volkov, leaning toward Volkov


hamsterwoman August 14 2015, 17:55:40 UTC
You can vote for both! :) (I made the poll checkboxes because I figured I didn't want to limit myself or anybody else. Watch me end up rereading half of these or something XP)

I've actually never read the real Wizard of Oz sequels, because my childhood and heart firmly belong to Volkov (god how I loved those books!) Urfin is probably my favorite character in that universe, but I have reread the book where he appears fairly recently, reading it to my kids. The cave one I haven't reread since I was a little kid, probably something like 30 years (it was one of the books we didn't own; I don't remember where I got it when I did read it -- I think borrowed it from someone while vacationing with them?)

Also, I just recently, couple of years ago, learned that apparently there were post-Volkov sequels to the Volkov books -- did you know that? mauvais_pli told me, and quoting her:

Sukhonov is another author who picked up where Volkov left off, and spun out another 10(?) books which were a bit hard to find even ten years ago when I was crazy about ( ... )


mauvais_pli August 15 2015, 12:30:27 UTC
Going to butt in here to correct myself, if two years later: the author's nameis Sergey Sukhinov (and incredibly, he has a wiki page in German besides Russian).


hamsterwoman August 15 2015, 18:17:19 UTC
Ah, thank you! I think I just happened to C&P a paragraph with a typo in his name, because I remember finding him on Wikipedia during that conversation from two years ago, so you must've had it right back then too! :)

(It is so awesome that LJ has all these conversations preserved and I can just go find them for reference when a topic like this comes up two years later!)


egelantier August 14 2015, 10:26:15 UTC
yay, stranger! you might be bouncing off the whole... ya nature of it? i mean, especially aligned with inda. and i think the multiple pov (which i love, but i'm a sucker for outside povs on characters i like, basically, so it works for me) might be a holdover from the times when it was a tv series pitch - and idk, i think it allows for a lot of flexibility, and for inviting new characters seamlessly.

(i wonder what you'll think of kerry in the next book).

ross was my favorite (i'm a sucker for this kind of hero), but felicity sure held second place, reveal and all. i'm really interested in how her entire arc will fall out. and agreed on how interesting her parents are - awful in some ways, pointedly not-awful in others, working within the structure anyway.

next book might suit you better, too - there's less exposition and more action, and a GREAT climax. it's my favorite so far.


hamsterwoman August 14 2015, 17:43:47 UTC
You know, you're right about the YA thing, quite possibly! While I enjoy YA books in their own right, I've only read for-grownups books from the two authors, so that might be where the feeling of shallowness is coming from. (Although it's not a necessary consequence, of course, as I've liked Pratchett and Gaiman and some other people's books for younger readers just as much as their most grown-up ones ( ... )


egelantier August 15 2015, 10:32:59 UTC
i love how las anclas deconstructs the idea that post-ap worlds are all anarchy and cannibalism and survival of the fittest, which it isn't - cooperation is, and cooperation is important enough to tempt even people like felicite's parents in. there's a counterpoint to it, of course - there's a lot on voske in the next book - but it WORKS.


hamsterwoman August 15 2015, 18:20:05 UTC
It is definitely the only post-apocalyptic worlds with a cozy feel that I've encountered, and that I wanted to spend more time in (though to be fair, the trained rats have a lot to do with that, haha). I really like the community working together aspects (even though, now that I know it was a TV pitch first, I keep thinking about how all those community and cooperation scenes would work in a visual medium, and I think they would work better. But it's there in the worldbuilding, so one feels it in any case.)


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