Snowflake challenge, day 15 (done! :)

Jan 15, 2015 16:24

Day 15: In your own space, create your own challenge. What’s something you want to see more people doing in fandom? Is there something fun you’ve tried that you think other people would enjoy if they gave it a go? Dare your friends to try it out, and have fun with it.

Hmmm. I actually thought about sitting out this one because I had no ideas, but it's the last day, and I'm so close to finishing (shh, completist here). And then I thought of this, which isn't really the right sort of challenge, but hey.

I really enjoyed doing the Reading Bingo last year, and was looking forward to doing it again in 2015. But the site that ran it last year is doing a Canada-centric one this year, which is all nice and good but not what I'm looking for. And other bingo cards / reading challenges I've seen around are too specific in their requirements, or too narrow in their scope, or otherwise not to my taste.

So I was wondering... Maybe we can make up a Reading Bingo for 2015? Like, collectively. Come up with 24 book prompts (+ the free square), randomize them, make a grid, and go from there. Anybody want to play? Either at suggesting book prompts for the squares, or at doing the bingo after, or, of course, both. Because I think it would be a lot more fun to brainstorm this together, and also it feels a bit like cheating to assemble one's own bingo card, you know?

List of 24 squares to be filled with prompts. Please throw suggestions!

I've found that more open-ended prompts are more fun to fill, for me personally -- like, "a book that is more than 100 years old" vs "a book published in 1937", or "a book with a non-human character" vs "a book told from the POV of an animal" or "a book with a dragon in it". Also, I think it's totally cool to reuse some of last year's prompts, but I'm sure there are lots of other good ones to be added!

1. Book by an author whose first language is not English
25. Free square!


Also, I was browsing the Snowflake post and came across McTabby's Nightmare Pairing Pledge challenge. Obviously, I couldn't resist.

I was especially intrigued by the crossover potential, so I went to the multi-fandom version. I'm taking my favorite character and least favorite character from the character meme I did ages ago, so you can tell I'm not cheating.

Nightmare Pairing Pledge
I, Hamsterwoman, do solemnly swear that my favorite character is Havelock Vetinari and my least favorite character is Phedre no Delaunay. The mere thought of them doing naughty things together makes me whimper. However... given sufficient crack and an infinite number of monkeys, here's how a Vetinari/Phedre shag might happen (though I sincerely hope it never does, and if it does, I just don't want to know).

Necessary plot device or deus ex machina: Literal deus -- Phedre gets a visitation of some kind from Elua/the powers of Terre d'Ange (as she is wont to do) which transports her to Discworld with the understanding that she needs to take care of something there. Phedre assumes it's a situation like Darsanga, but actually it's a pointless bet between Elua et al and the gods of the Disc. Finding herself in Ankh-Morpork, Phedre commences her usual anguisette/covertcy MO, which leads to Mrs Palm turning her over to the authorities for inadvertently violating the bylaws of the Seamstresses' Guild.

Who makes the first move: Phedre. I mean, that's what she does. Vetinari, a little bit surprised, because while it took a short while for the assassination attempts to peter out, nobody had ever tried seduction, even early on in his term (because of the whole "no one knew which side of the bed he got out of, or if he got out of bed at all" thing), decides to just go along with it and see what happens.

Positions and/or kinks: Doubtless dungeons and restraints are involved, because that's probably where the whole thing starts. Also edged weapons. This is all right up Phedre's alley, obviously, but inasmuch as I can think of Vetinari getting it on, the dom side of BDSM actually seems relatively plausible...

Afterglow: Curiosity indulged, Vetinari throws Phedre into the scorpion pit. She probably even enjoys it... Well, OK, no. Far more likely, Vetinari recognizes the value of an agent like Phedre and makes her an offer she can't refuse. And because Phedre actually kind of has a thing for ruthless players of the political game, she probably does not want to refuse either.

Would I actually read or write this? Read it out of trainwreck curiosity, perhaps. But probably still no, because I really have no desire to read about Vetinari having sex.

But also, this is way too much cracky fun to do it only once. So, if you give me a fandom I'm familiar with, I'll also do it for that fandom. :D?


Randomly, Dragon Pets is an awesome idea, and really cute!

fandom meme, dragons, reading bingo, snowflake challenge, link

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