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Comments 13

lyssa027 December 25 2010, 02:22:26 UTC
I have not read any of the Fury series by Butcher. Is it any good? Do you recommend it?


hamsterwoman December 25 2010, 05:57:00 UTC
It's not bad, although large parts of it are taken up by magically enhanced battles, duels, and sieges. After a while, I just started skimming/skipping those parts. It's a very fun world, and there are some good characters, though not quite Dresden-Files level of character fun. Also, it's definitely set in the epic fantasy mold, so, quite different from Dresden Files in that respect. I would say give it a try, but I would probably suggest library rather than book store, in case you find it's not your cup of tea at all.


lyssa027 December 26 2010, 05:17:00 UTC
I own the first book, somebody gave it to me, it just never appealed to me, so I never tried it, maybe I will, I think it's still under my bed, lol.


hamsterwoman December 27 2010, 10:14:56 UTC
Haha, then it's probably worth digging out from under the bed to give it a shot. Really, the magic system is worth the price of admission for the first book, I feel, but I'm a geek for magic systems :)


nutmeg3 December 25 2010, 02:54:49 UTC
And a very merry Krysa-mouse to you and yours, too.

PS - Bug and Gobo would like to know how to say "sugar glider" in Russian. (Actually, they asked for the translation of "cutest animal anywhere ever," but I convinced them that going with their official name would be more useful.) Thank you. :-)


hamsterwoman December 25 2010, 05:54:51 UTC
Thank you! :)

You know, I don't actually know the word for "sugar glider" in Russian. I can do "flying squirrel" (belka-letyaga, белка летяга), but I know that's not really the same. Or maybe in Russian it is?

Aha! By the clever trick of googling for both "белка летяга" and "sugar glider", it would appear that the proper word for sugar gliders is "сахарный поссум" - sakharnyj possum, literally, "sugar opossum", which makes a kind of sense. According to Russian Wiki, the full name is "Сахарный летающий поссум" (sakharnyj letayuschij possum" -- sugar flying possum), and also карликовая сумчатая летяга (karlikovaya sumchataya letyaga) -- "dwarf marsupial flyer/flying squirrel".

"cutest animal anywhere ever" would be -- samoe miloe zhivotnoe vo vsem mire (самое милое животное во всем мире) [literally, "cutest animal in all the world" :)


nutmeg3 December 25 2010, 15:50:50 UTC
Thank you! That's really fun to know. I'm going to work on memorizing all that. And the possum connection is exactly right, because they are members of the possum family (and the Leadbetter's possum and squirrel glider - also a possum - look plus or minus just like bigger suggies).


hamsterwoman December 25 2010, 18:51:55 UTC
You're welcome! And I learned some terms myself while looking this up, so thank you for the question! :)

Oh, and neat! I should google those other possums, because if they look anything like the suggies, they're bound to be adorable :)


anonymous December 26 2010, 20:24:58 UTC
hamsterwoman December 26 2010, 21:25:56 UTC
I think we can make Monday work -- provided you're OK with a slightly higher level of chaos in the house than I'd originally been aiming for, 'cos I think our New Year tree will be happening Monday morning, with attendant boxes and needles and things. Would ~2 p.m. Monday work for you? Later's fine, too, if that slots into your schedule better?

But I do hope the forecasted Monday sunniness holds, because that would be much nicer than rain for a visit!


aome December 27 2010, 02:03:05 UTC
All right - if you don't mind an addition to the chaos, then we'll aim for 2pm-ish on Monday. (And *we* certainly don't mind chaos - just come see my house sometime. :P) If there's anything we can bring, just let us know. So - we'll see you tomorrow, yay!

Btw, could you screen my comment with the cell #? *bats eyelashes*


hamsterwoman December 27 2010, 10:13:16 UTC
Screened! Sorry, should've caught that sooner :)

See you tomorrow (er, today) at 2ish! (I don't mind he addition to the chaos -- it's chaos central here round the clock anyhow :P)

We are all looking forward to seeing you guys again in just a bit!


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