A happy hamster is usually active and bright-eyed (except during the day, when they are bordering on comatose). If a hamster is running around and eating and doing all the things hamsters do, I think that's their kind of happiness.
Well, I don't know exactly what's going on in their li'l rodent brains, but when their ears are up(ears are a great indicator of hammy moods, imho), their eyes are open and bright, their posture is calm and relaxed, and when you pick them up you hear cute li'l puh, puh, puh sounds, that's how I know mine are happy(or at least in a good mood).
My hammie Bella is in a good mood when I enter the room or call her name and she runs to the side of her cage and puts her nose between the bars. And her big round teddy bear ears are standing up and looking quite large. I know to leave her alone when she puts her ears back and goes into a corner.
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