Title: Heartbeats
Pairing: Ricky/Minsoo
Summary: He’s born without a heart because somewhere out there, his other half has it.
Rating: G
Notes: It’s a late birthday fic for Ricky! T__T and it’s a Ricky/Minsoo pairing because the world needs some leader/maknae fandom!
Changhyun is born without a heart. The doctor would’ve thought him dead if he
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Comments 3
I'm really a sucker for AUs and this one was really gorgeous ♥
Well, Chanhee/Byunghun is my OTP as far as Teen Top is concerned and I don't really have any other OTP in kpop fandom apart from GD/TOP (Big Bang) since I only joined like... 2 months ago?
But anyways, I'd be glad to read more about this verse :D
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