Title: Infinite
Pairing: Elixander (Eli/Xander)
Prompt: “Infinite” from the U-Kiss 35 challenge.
Summary: This is our last night as 7 but the beginning of infinity for 2.
Notes: Argh, I suck with links but I'll try Q___Q. One down thirty four to go :) i actually skipped down to hitch-hiking but i won't post it up yet :)
It’s 10 years down the road and though Eli’s dreamed of having U-Kiss around for as long as Koyote has been, it’s time for him to let go of it because everything is falling apart. Dongho’s fan base is big enough for him to go solo, Kiseop wants to take up cooking courses, Kevin’s got Arirang to fall back on, Kibum’s git his successful online thing with his brother and Soohyun’s just tired and he wants to take a break from everything.
The night before they have to leave, Eli stays up, sitting at their worn out sofa, hugging a worn out old teddy bear he remembers hugging during ‘Kiss of Chef’, when everything was still together. He sits there and contemplates where things could’ve gone wrong and sighs when he draws a blank.
Boxes are littered all around, labels with the respective members’ names on them to be shipped to wherever they will be going. Eli straightens up when he realizes he doesn’t know what Alexander [who’s already 33 this year and already complaining about wrinkles and old man pot bellies] is going to do after everyone and everything is gone.
“Yes well, I’m surprised you didn’t ask me either you oaf,” someone sniffs and Eli jumps, startled when he notices Alexander lounging on the single sitter and twirling a lock of hair idly, dressed in a low cut shirt that showed of his a part of his chest and boxer shorts. “When did you get here?” Eli asks, baffled at the older’s sudden appearance and he shrugs.
“When you were making your constipated face,” Alexander replies, snickering softly. Eli huffs but stands up, dropping the teddy bear and moving over to the older and shoving him up on the arm rest before occupying the space Alexander was in earlier and tugging the whiny man back onto his lap.
“I don’t want tomorrow to come Xan,” Eli murmurs, finally voicing his fear of never seeing any of the people he’s been with most of his life. Alexander hums in response gently stroking the younger’s hair. “It’s scary isn’t it? All these big changes coming so suddenly,” he finally says after a long moment of silence and Eli silently nods from where he’s tucked his head at the crook of Alexander’s bony shoulder.
“But things like that’s got to happen. We’ve all known it and we should be glad it’s only happened 10 years later and not any earlier,”
“But I don’t want it to happen at all,” Eli says angrily, pulling away from Alexander’s soft touches and sweet smelling skin, tears of anger forming in his eyes and the older watches him for a brief moment before tugging him back to his previous spot and holding him close, feeling tears wet his exposed clavicles and chest.
“I know Elison, I know,” Alexander says sadly, staring at the smiling bear as he rests his head on his lover’s hair. “But things aren’t exactly going to last for all infinity babe. You knew this,”
Eli stiffens but doesn’t reply, tears still falling. “B-but… we will right? I mean, you and I, we’re the only ones who’ve got nothing planned out for… after,” Eli mumbles. Alexander hums in response, turning his eyes skywards thoughtfully.
“I do actually,” he replies eventually, when he remembers the plane tickets carefully tucked away in his bag. “What?” Eli says alarmed, head coming up quickly, making Alexander bite his own tongue and he whimpers, tasting blood on his tongue whilst glaring balefully at the younger.
“You’vth ruinth my thpeaking,” Alexander growls, tongue hurting from the bite. Eli laughs softly and presses his lips to the older’s gently, his tongue stroking the older’s injured one for a brief, intimate moment before pulling back.
“Much better now?” he asks teasingly. The older man doesn’t reply, keeping his silence as he stares down at his hands. They’re silent for a moment, leaning against each other as they wonder about the future. “You haven’t told me what you’ve got planned,” Eli ventures, breaking the silence.
“Oh,” Alexander says intelligently. “I bought tickets. To California,”
“Yea, I figured you’d want to head back to homeland and y’know, speak English again? I know I want to but not before dropping in to Macau to visit my parents,” Alexander says carefully, gauging his lover’s reaction.
A grin breaks out over his face when Eli smiles brightly. “We? As in us together going to Macau then sunny California?” Alexander nods. “That’s great babe! Really!”
Eli swoops in for another kiss and pulls back dazedly, thinking of seeing the beaches and not having to think twice before speaking a foreign language.
They stand up and get ready to go off to bed eventually and the dread they feel lessens somewhat at the thought of being together as they travel wherever they want whenever they want without any stress or schedules.
“Elison,” Alexander says softly, looking embarrassed as he pulls Eli back from entering the room. Eli blushes slightly, feeling like he’s 20 again and falling in love with beautiful Alexander with his loud voice and brashness all over again. “It’s infinite for us you know? Maybe not with the others, but for us… it will be,”
Eli smiles and hugs Alexander close. “Yea, I think I’ve realized that,”
it’s another 20 years down the road when he’s half a century year old and waking up to warm sunshine on his slightly wrinkled face and an even warmer presence curled up to his side, arms wrapped around him tightly.
He smiles down at the barely wrinkled sleeping face [ he wonders if he’s lover’s drank from some fountain of youth or something] and sighs in contentment when their matching rings glisten in the morning sun.
It’s infinite for them. Now and forever.
Prompt 01. Infinite