May 06, 2011 00:00
Name:Read more... )
cruise control for cool,
pulchritudinous pictures,
i'm stealing tags,
~official mod meme~,
meme: friending,
un tzz un tzz un tzz,
the hamsters have zambonis,
hello taxon,
sexy beasts
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Comments 18
Journal: fairytaledreams
Gender: female
Age: 23
Location: dullsvilleohio
Characters @ Taxon: slayersidekick | auntjenna
Characters @ Wherever else: ...sob this list is always huge.
paixaorpg = sumofallfayth | prismsmemory | climbswalls | apocalypsesaber | stoutteapot
timeandtides = byhissidealways | magitekrune | winhillstime | tosavecocoon
absolute_hold = dasupporter
Muses you'd like to take for a test drive someday: Liz Forbes (TVD)
Stuff you ♥: caramel, horses, friends, sunny days, love, open-mindedness, fried okra, Southern Sweet Tea, fish, the Appalachian mountains, everything south
Stuff you don't: closed-minded people, bullies, asparagus, black-eyed peas
Fandoms: oh boy, I will always forget some: A:tla, Avatar, Btvs, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Disney, MSB, Tamora Pierce (especially the Tortall books), Teen Titans, TVD
Favorite not!LJ websites: plurk :Ta
Favorite not!RP pastime: writing, horseback riding
If you were brought to Taxon, what would your programmed possession be? hmmm... Probably my laptop. It has my life on it ;o;
The _____, the _____, the _____ is ________! The hamsters, the hamsters, the hamsters're on fire! Put your hands in the air and let the m-- ( ... )
Journal: nevita
Plurk/Twitter/Etc: plurk [dekora], twitter [cannibalizing], tumblr [thekatherinepierce]
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Location: VA, USA. c:
Characters @ Taxon: nobodylshome
Characters @ Wherever else: pungere and lightedtorch at underworldwars
Muses you'd like to take for a test drive someday: ff, I don't even know right now. I'd like to use my Tyler Lockwood (Vampire Diaries still lmao) journal someday. And also a few Homestuck muses.
Stuff you ♥: cosmetology, fashion, writing, horror movies, rabbits, abusing emoticons 0_0, energy drinks, Starbucks, graphic design, Taylor Swift, celebrity gossip
Stuff you don't: people who are mean to animals >(, people who bash things without ever giving them a chance (fandom, pairing, real life, whatever), and surely other things, but I'm apparently at a blank. Mostly people who are mean for no reason. >;O Also, iconning The Vampire Diaries because they make the show too freaking dark.
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries and Homestuck are my main two right now
Favorite not!LJ websites: Tumblr
Favorite not!RP pastime: Writing or ( ... )
Journal: nytyngayl
Plurk/Twitter/Etc: --
Gender: Feman
Age: Almost 23
Location: Back and forth between Utah and Idaho for now.
Characters @ Taxon: patternal | icanhaslogic | painsinger
Characters @ Wherever else: underworldwars : yearrounder | adeptible
Muses you'd like to take for a test drive someday: Right now, that's basically just movie!Thor. Because OH MY GOD THAT MOVIE. *o*
Stuff you ♥: Not mean stuff? Music, Japan, writing, reading, bellydance, RP, drawing, creativity, snuggling, warm blankets, fuzzy things, domo kun, Andrej Pejic, nerd things, gaming, etc.
Stuff you don't: People who are douchebags because they can be
Fandoms: At the moment? Chronicles of Amber, Heralds of Valdemar, Tron(ish), Fringe(ish), Iron Man (movies. Also ish), Percy Jackson (books)
Favorite not!LJ websites: The whole failblog cartel, really
Favorite not!RP pastime: Reading/writing/bellydance. They all kind of tie.
If you were brought to Taxon, what would your programmed possession be? Uhhh....I'm not really...that attached to anything. Maybe the jacket that I bought at Disney with just my dad?
The _____, ( ... )
Journal: 3pipeproblem
Plurk/Twitter/Etc: smugfrog
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Location: Colorado
Characters @ Taxon: selfmadman
Characters @ Wherever else: alan_shore, but_less_scary
Muses you'd like to take for a test drive someday: Cary Agos NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY TO RUIN HIS CHARACTER; Patrick Kane, vampire slayer (MY ORIGINAL CREATION DON'T STEAL!!)
Stuff you ♥: SA emoticons, lasernipples Kbell, Dr Pepper, Batman bandaids, frozen chocolate-covered key lime pie on a stick, film noir, Pumas (the kind that go on your feet)
Stuff you don't: THAT HACK KEN COSGROVE, my shift key actually being broken thanks a lot Dell, improper use of the word “fortuitous,” Cubs fans, inside jokes
Fandoms: Mad Men, Boston Legal, Breaking Bad, Michael Chaaaaabon, Community, 30 Rock, Misfits
Favorite not!LJ websites: Bookslut
Favorite not!RP pastime: Going down tuu in a luleelurah
If you were brought to Taxon, what would your programmed possession be? The Silo (yes, there is an actual silo). Awww yeah.
The _____, the _____, the _____ is ________! I AM PAGLIACCI
Any interesting/important ( ... )
( ... )
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