looking up

Sep 17, 2010 20:23

OKAY. HAVE COUNSELING APPOINTMENT! Wednesday, at 11. Also have resolved to go to class Monday & Tuesday given that I will not be there on Wednesday because of counseling or Friday because of GERMANY ( Read more... )

dead people, anxiety, pokemon, k, garments, pope protest, lulz, graveyards, school, old stuff

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Comments 22

xlineartx September 17 2010, 19:35:37 UTC


hammster September 17 2010, 19:37:39 UTC


xlineartx September 17 2010, 19:39:08 UTC
when what how


hammster September 17 2010, 19:42:38 UTC

i'm going there

on a plane


(The comment has been removed)

hammster September 18 2010, 10:25:48 UTC
(OMG DID IT? That's pretty rad.)

Yes yaaayy! :D


opheliathemad September 18 2010, 01:06:57 UTC
i love graveyards! they're fun! there's one by my house that is AMERICA OLD meaning there are some stones from the 1700s OMG! NO ONE WAS ALIVE BACK THEN!!1! I like to test the guys i'm dating by seeing if they'll go exploring in the graveyard with me. most don't, so they fail.

However, if you are in Legend of Zelda-world, some headstones have bodies under them and some have heart pieces and some have FAIRY FOUNTAINS or MAZES so i guess headstones in Hyrule need clarification.

Still, an undead circus made of chocolate under a tombstone sounds like the plot of a bad Goosebumbs book. Or maybe not so bad...?


hammster September 18 2010, 10:28:34 UTC
Ohhh yes! Sadly the part of America I live in is like THIS TOWN WAS FOUNDED IN 1800 OR SOMETHING so nothing is quite as old as stuff here and things being from like 500 years ago is still "???!!??!" for me :'D

...dsfgjsdf lmfao LEGEND OF ZELDA. Omg, video games. They make so delightfully little sense! I mean, to be fair, you can also go hang-gliding using chickens and walk into people's houses to smash their pottery and take their stuff. ...So um hm


opheliathemad September 18 2010, 11:08:13 UTC
i've never gotten over the fact that chickens aren't glide-y in real life. think how useful that could be if you could just pick up a chicken and glide around! ok, maybe not so useful, but it would be fun!


coloneldespard September 18 2010, 04:37:59 UTC
I don't know what I like best - you visiting Frederique, the graveyard, or the idea of a protest against Ratzinger.

My friends have been known to try and cheer me up when I'm down by pointing out old graveyards. I have spent far too much of my life exploring them...often under the pretext of conducting srs historical research.

Hey, did I ever tell you about the time they held the front page of the Yorkshire Post so they could run a story I'd sent them about an historically significant headstone I'd discovered?

I'd been delayed on trains coming from York, so got in late to London to find an irate little brother with his hands on his hips. "While you've been incommunicado, I've taken calls from the Yorkshire Post who are holding their front page, BBC radio and some bloody television station. I am NOT your media secretary. And the next time you issue a fucking press release...TELL ME."


hammster September 18 2010, 10:31:23 UTC
I THINK I LIKE THE FORMER BEST :D but lmfao I am not at all surprised about the protest and omfg I wish I could goooo ;_; but that is one of the reasons I love living in London! It's like ... when the thing with the aid ship trying to enter Gaza and getting all shot up happened in Spring I WAS SO MAD and then it was like ... "right this is London someone will have organized a protest about this for this weekend already"

And they had and it had, like, 4000 people or something? I fucking love London :')

...Fffff no you did not and that's awesome! 8D


lucieandco September 18 2010, 10:37:31 UTC
Well, I can tell you which part I like best (your acquisition of a new hat, of course).

Also re: the skull and cross bones, possibly this graveyard was partly sponsored by a local branch of the mob and it was customary for them to bury the occasional person alive, so they made sure to mark all the ones that were assuredly dead so that passersby knew that, if they heard any knocking and wailing from those, they were imagining it.


hammster September 18 2010, 10:43:46 UTC

...Hmmmm. You pose an interesting hypothesis! That just makes me think of the horrible bells-on-a-string thing people used to do, though

Eurgh 8(


lucieandco September 18 2010, 11:24:20 UTC
A PROPOS DE RIEN did you see this guy in the Gibbous gallery? He's Montparnasse stalking Éponine stalking Marius stalking Cosette.


hammster September 18 2010, 11:30:18 UTC
Omfg HE IS. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE IS. Ohhh look at his ... everything




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