eeeeee! i love this new fam. really i love all your pictures. and you always give everyone cute, different names and i would ask where they came from if you hadnt already told me not to. oh and the grill usage is not just an apartment thing. pmuch any/all sims will go straight to the grill to cook no matter what kind of lot they are on.
aaaAAAH thank you!!! thanks a lot i really am glad you like my pics ehehe. yes sincerely i have no idea. i would ask my subconscious if i could but it might be better not to know. well maybe. ah yes maybe i don't let my poor sims get a grill often enough....but going to such great lengths to make some hot they must really like those grills a lot and i must be a mean sim god. (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ
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